Algorithms Overview

Table of Contents

Training Sites

Project Euler

online portal for IT interview

Sphere Online Judge


+ The Art of Computer Programming+

作者: Donald E. Knuth


+ Introduction to Algorithms(算法导论)+

作者: Thomas H.Cormen / Charles E.Leiserson / Ronald L.Rivest / Clifford Stein


+ The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms(计算机算法的设计与分析)+

作者: Alfred V. Aho / John E. Hopcroft / Jeffrey D. Ullman


+Algorithms(算法概论) +

作者: Sanjoy Dasgupta / Christos Papadimitriou / Umesh Vazirani

除了这本Algorithms作为教材,补充读物可以在CLRS算法导论和Kleinberg和 Tardos的算法设计(这也是本顶新的书)之间选择一本。我个人推荐后者。

J. L. Bentley

  • + Programming Pearls(编程珠玑)+

    作者: Jon Bentley

  • + More Programming Pearls(编程珠玑(续))+

    作者: Jon Bentley

  • Writing Efficient Programs, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1982.

    J. L. Bentley

Introduction to Algorithms:A Creative Approach(算法引论:一种创造性方法)

作者: [美]Udi Manber

+Algorithm Design(算法设计) +

作者: Jon Kleinberg / Éva Tardos c667516f-f633-4c7b-af1c-e2fb4afa9231.jpg

Algorithms : Design Techniques and Analysis(算法设计技巧与分析)

作者: M. H. Alsuwaiyel(阿苏外耶)

Algorithms in a Nutshell : A Dektop Quick Reference

作者: George T. Heineman / Stanley Selkow / Gary Pollice

Anany Levitin

  • +Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms(算法设计与分析基础) +

    作者: Anany Levitin

  • Algorithmic Puzzles

    作者: Anany Levitin / Maria Levitin

Mark Allen Weiss

  • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (2nd Edition)(数据结构与算法分析: C语言描述)

    作者: Mark Allen Weiss (维斯)

  • + Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (3rd Edition)(数据结构与算法分析: C++描述)+

    作者: [美]Mark Allen Weiss

Robert Sedgewick

  • Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4:Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching

    作者: Robert Sedgewick

  • Algorithms in C, Part 5 : Graph Algorithms

    作者: Robert Sedgewick

  • Algorithms in C, Parts 6-8:Strings, Geometry, and Advanced Topics

    作者: Robert Sedgewick

  • + Algorithms(算法)+

    作者: Robert Sedgewick / Kevin Wayne

  • + Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4 : Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting, Searching (3rd Edition)+


    作者: Robert Sedgewick

  • Algorithms in C++ Part 5: Graph Algorithms

    作者: Robert Sedgewick

  • Algorithms in C++(C++算法)

    作者: Robert Sedgewick

  • Algorithms in Java(Java算法)

    作者: Robert Sedgewick

  • An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms(算法分析导论)

    作者: Robert Sedgewick / Philippe Flajolet

Mastering Algorithms with C(算法精解:C语言描述)

作者: Kyle Loudon

Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World

作者: Steiner, Christopher

A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis(数据结构与算法分析(C++版))

作者: [美] Clifford A.Shaffer

Data Structures and Algorithms(数据结构与算法)

作者: Alfred V. Aho / Jeffrey D. Ullman / John E. Hopcroft

Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

作者: Goodrich, Michael T.

Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach(算法分析-有效的学习方法)

作者: Jeffrey J. McConnell

Practical Algorithms for Programmers(程序员实用算法)

作者: Andrew Binstock / John Rex

The Algorithm Design Manual(算法设计手册)

作者: 斯基恩纳(Steven S.Skiena)


A Concise and Practical Introduction to Programming Algorithms in Java(程序设计与算法(Java语言版))

作者: Nielsen, Frank


作  者:(英)戴维斯 著


作者: 布拉萨德


作者: 德罗兹德克


作者: (英)Andrew Bateman 等著


作  者:(美)麦克米兰(McMillan,M.) 著

Introduction to Distributed Algorithms(分布式算法导论)

作者: 特尔 (Gerard Tel)

Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms(算法设计与分析导论)

作者: R.C.T. Lee; S.S. Tseng; R.C. Chang; Y.T.Tsai

Algorithms on Strings

作者: Maxime Crochemore / Christophe Hancart / Thierry Lecroq

Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences:Computer Science and Computational Biology

作者: Dan Gusfield

Efficient C++:Performance Programming Techniques

作者: Dov Bulka / David Mayhew

Computational Geometry:Algorithms and Applications(计算几何:算法与应用)

作者: Mark de Berg / Otfried Cheong / Marc van Kreveld / Mark Overmars

Randomized Algorithms

作者: Rajeev Motwani / Prabhakar Raghavan

Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity

作者: Christos H. Papadimitriou / Kenneth Steiglitz

Computational Complexity

作者: Christos, H. Papadimitriou

Information Retrieval

  • 信息检索:算法与启发式方法

    作  者:(美)格罗斯曼,(美)弗里德 著

  • Introduction to Information Retrieval(信息检索导论)

    作者: Christopher D.Manning / Hinrich Schütze / Prabhakar Raghavan

  • 搜索引擎

    作者: W.Bruce Croft / Donald Metzler / Trevor Strohman

Quantitative Trading: How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business [精装] (定量贸易:如何建立自己的算法交易业务)

作  者/Author: Ernie Chan(厄尼·陈) 著

The Mathematics of Derivatives: Tools for Designing Numerical Algorithms [精装] (衍生数学:数字算法设计工具)

作  者/Author: Robert L. Navin(罗伯特·L·纳文) 著

Inside the Black Box: The Simple Truth About Quantitative Trading [精装] (黑匣子内幕:定量与算法交易令人震惊的简单真相)

作  者/Author: Rishi K Narang(里希·K·纳朗) 著

Data Structures and Network Algorithms [平装] (数据结构和网络算法)

作  者/Author: Robert Endre Tarjan(罗伯特·恩德雷·塔尔然) 著

Introduction to Clustering Large and High-Dimensional Data [平装] (聚类大维高维数据算法绪论)

作  者/Author: Jacob Kogan(雅各伯·科根) 著

Geometric Folding Algorithms [精装] (集合折叠算法)

作  者/Author: Erik D. Demaine(艾里克·D·德曼),Joseph O'Rourke(约瑟夫·奥罗克) 著

Time complexity


Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures

The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository

Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:21

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
