The Elements of Style

Table of Contents

1 使用规则

1.1 加's来形成单数名词地所有格


  • Charles's friend
  • Burns's poems
  • the witch's malice

例外是古代以-es和-is为结尾地专有名词地所有格,所有格Jesus',和这样地形式for conscience's sake, for righteousness' sake。但是如此的形式 Moses's Laws, Isis' temple 通常被如下所代替

  • the laws of Moses
  • the temple of Isis

代词hers, its, theirs, yours和ours没有撇号。但是,不定代词使用撇号来表明所有格。

  • one's rights
  • somebody else's umbrella

一个通常的错误是,把it's写成its, 或反之。第一个是“it is”的缩写,第二个是个所有格。

It's a wise dog that scratches its own fleas.

1.2 在由一个连接词连接的超过3个东西的序列中,在除了最后一个外的每个东西后使用逗号


red, white, and blue golder, silver, or copper
He opened the letter, read it, and made a note of its content.


Little, Brown and Company Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette

1.3 内部插入语句在逗号间

The best way to see a contry, unless you are pressed for time, is to
travel on foot.


Marjories husband, Colonel Nelson paid us a visit yesterday.
My brother you will be pleased to hear, is now in perfect health.


February to July, 1992
April 6, 1986
Wednesday, November 14, 1990


6 April 1988



If, Sir, you refuse, I cannot predict what will happen.
Well, Susan, this is a fine mess you are in.

那些名字后的缩写etc., i.e.,和 e.g.,学位缩写,和称谓都是插入语,应该相应的标点。

Letters, packages, etc., should go here.
 Horace Fulsome, Ph.D., presided.
Rachel Simonds, Attorney
The Reverend Harry Lang, S.J.


Billy the Kid
The novelist Jane Austen
William the Conqueror
The poet Sappho


James Wright Jr.


The audience, which had at first been indifferent, became more and more interested.
In 1769, when Napoleon was born, Corsica had but recently been acquired by France.
Nether Stowey, where Coleridge wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, is a few miles from Bridgewater.

在这些句子中,通过which, when 和where引入的子句是非限制的;它们不限制或定义,仅仅加入一些东西。在第一个例子中,通过which引入的子句不是用来说明意味哪些可能的观众,读者可能之前就已经知道了。子句加入插入式的一个叙述来补充主要的子句。三个句子中的每一句都是两段原本可能可以互相独立的叙述组成的。

The audience was at first indifferent. Later it became more and more interested.
Napoleon was born in 1769. At that time Corsica had but recently been acquired by France.
Coleridge wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner at Nether Stowey. Nether Stowey is a few miles from Bridgewater.


People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


People sitting in the rear couldn't hear, (restrictive)
Uncle Bert, being slightly deaf, moved forward, (non-restrictive)
My cousin Bob is a talented harpist, (restrictive)
Our oldest daughter, Mary, sings, (nonrestrictive)


Partly by hard fighting, partly by diplomatic skill, they enlarged their dominions to the east and rose to royal rank with the possession of Sicily.

1.4 在连词前放一个逗号来引入一个独立的子句

The early records of the city have disappeared, and the story of its first years can no longer be reconstructed.
The situation is perilous, but there is still one chance of escape.

两部分句子的第二部分的成员是通过as(意义上指”因为“),for,or,nor,或 while(意义上指“然后同时”)同样的需要一个逗号在这些连词前。



I have heard the arguments, but am still unconvinced.
He has had several years' experience and is thoroughly competent.

1.5 不要用逗号来连接独立子句


Mary Shelley's works are entertaining; they are full of engaging ideas.
It is nearly half past five; we cannot reach town before dark.


Mary Shelley's works are entertaining. They are full of engaging ideas.
It is nearly half past five. We cannot reach town before dark.

如果插入一个连词,那么逗号是合适的标志。(Rule 4)

Mary Shelley's works are entertaining, for they are full of engaging ideas.
It is nearly half past five, and we cannot reach town before dark.


注意,如果第二个分句由一个副词引领而不是个连词,如 accordingly, besides, then, therefore, 或 thus,这个分号仍然需要。

I had never been in the place before; besides, it was dark as a tomb.


Man proposes, God disposes.
The gates swung apart, the bridge fell, the portcullis was drawn up.
I hardly knew him, he was so changed.
Here today, gone tomorrow.

1.6 不要把句子一分为二


I met them on a Cunard liner many years ago. Coming home from Liverpool to New York.
She was an interesting talker. A woman who had traveled all over the world and lived in half a dozen countries.



Again and again he called out. No reply.



1.7 使用冒号在一段独立的分句来引入一列详情,同位语,加强,或一段解说的引语。


Your dedicated whittler requires: a knife, a piece of wood, and a back porch.
Understanding is that penetrating quality of knowledge that grows from: theory, practice, conviction, assertion, error, and humiliation.

Your dedicated whittler requires three props: a knife, a piece of wood, and a back porch.
Understanding is that penetrating quality of knowledge that grows from theory, practice, conviction, assertion, error, and humiliation.


But even so, there was a directness and dispatch about animal burial: there was no stopover in the undertaker's foul parlor, no wreath or spray.


The squalor of the streets reminded her of a line from Oscar Wilde: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."

Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:21

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
