C++ Overview

Table of Contents

Bjarne Stroustrup's homepage



《Computer Systems:A Programmers Perspective》

《The C Programming Language》

《Accelerated C++》 Andrew Koenig是C++标准化过程中的核心人物之一

《The C++ Programming Language》

《The Pragmatic Programmer》

《C++ Coding Standard》

《Code Complete, 2nd Edition》


C++的书,Bjarne的圣经《The C++ Programming Language》是高屋建瓴的。

《大规模C++程序设计》是挺务实的。《Accelerated C++》是最佳入门的。

《C++ Templates》是仅作参考的。《C++ Template Metaprogramming》是精力过剩者可以玩一玩的,普通程序员碰都别碰的。《ISO.IEC C++ Standard 14882》不是拿来读的。



GCC http://gcc.gnu.org/install/binaries.html MinGW http://www.mingw.org Cygwin (GNU + cygnus + Windows) http://cygwin.com Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 http://forms.embarcadero.com/forms/BCC32CompilerDownload Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler for Win32 http://www.digitalmars.com Open Watcom http://www.openwatcom.org/ Comeau C++ Online (EDG C++ front end) http://www.comeaucomputing.com/tryitout/


Blitz++ 是一个高效率的数值计算函数库,它的设计目的是希望建立一套既具像 C++ 一样方便,同时又比Fortran速度更快的数值计算环境。通常,用C++所写出的数值程序,比 Fortran慢20%左右,因此Blitz++正是要改掉这个缺点。方法是利用C++的template技术,程序执行甚至可以比Fortran更快。Blitz++目前仍在发展中,对于常见的SVD,FFTs,QMRES等常见的线性代数方法并不提供,不过使用者可以很容易地利用Blitz++所提供的函数来构建。

Matrix Template Library(MTL)是一个高性能的泛型组件库,提供了各种格式矩阵的大量线性代数方面的功能。在某些应用使用高性能编译器的情况下,比如 Intel的编译器,从产生的汇编代码可以看出其与手写几乎没有两样的效能。


Computational Geometry Algorithms Library的目的是把在计算几何方面的大部分重要的解决方案和方法以C++库的形式提供给工业和学术界的用户

http://lse.sourceforge.net/numa/ http://lse.sourceforge.net/numa/faq/

  • Newmat C++ matrix librar


This C++ library is intended for scientists and engineers who need to manipulate a variety of types of matrices using standard matrix operations. Emphasis is on the kind of operations needed in statistical calculations such as least squares, linear equation solve and eigenvalues.


The C++ Standard Committee(ISO C++) http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/ Incompatibilities Between ISO C and ISO C++ http://david.tribble.com/text/cdiffs.htm STLFilt: An STL Error Message Decryptor for C++ http://www.bdsoft.com/tools/stlfilt.html CppUnit http://cppunit.sourceforge.net The C++ Source http://www.artima.com/cppsource/ QT http://www.trolltech.com



BoostPro Computing http://www.boostpro.com BD Software http://www.bdsoft.com Object Mentor http://www.objectmentor.com


  1. http://www.learncpp.com/ LearnCpp.com is a totally free website devoted to teaching you to program in C++.


  • MFC
  • QT


  • WxWindows


wxWidgets is a C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, OS X, Linux and UNIX on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures as well as several mobile platforms including Windows Mobile, iPhone SDK and embedded GTK+.

  • Fox



  • GTK


Data Visualization

  • Matpack is a C++ numerics and graphics library implementing methods that are needed in a scientist's or engineer's everyday life.
  • OpenDX is a uniquely powerful, full-featured software package for the visualization of scientific, engineering and analytical data
  • The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization. VTK consists of a C++ class library and several interpreted interface layers including Tcl/Tk, Java, and Python.
  • ChartDirector

Network Programming

  • The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment(ADE)


C++库的代表,超重量级的网络通信开发框架。ACE自适配通信环境(Adaptive Communication Environment)是可以自由使用、开放源代码的面向对象框架,在其中实现了许多用于并发通信软件的核心模式。ACE提供了一组丰富的可复用 C++包装外观(Wrapper Facade)和框架组件,可跨越多种平台完成通用的通信软件任务,其中包括:事件多路分离和事件处理器分派、信号处理、服务初始化、进程间通信、共享内存管理、消息路由、分布式服务动态(重)配置、并发执行和同步,等等。

  • StreamModule



  • SimpleSocket



  • Xerces-C++


Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++.

  • Xalan-C++


Xalan is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types.

  • XMLBooster: the fastest XML parser generator



  • XML Pull Parser (XPP)


这个库采用pull方法的parser。在每个SAX的parser底层都有一个pull parser,这个xpp把这层暴露出来直接给大家使用。在要充分考虑速度的时候值得尝试。

  • CMarkup


这是一种使用EDOM的XML解析器。在很多思路上面非常灵活实用。值得大家在DOM 和SAX之外寻求一点灵感。

  • libxml++


libxml++是对著名的libxml XML解析器的C++封装版本


  • AV3D - Audio/Video 3D Library for C++


AV3D是一个跨平台,高性能的C++库。主要的特性是提供3D图形,声效支持(SB, 以及S3M),控制接口(键盘,鼠标和遥感),XMS。

  • KlayGE




  • OGRE




  • C++ Threads



  • ZThreads




  • s11n



  • Simple XML Persistence Library




  • Common Text Transformation Library


这是一个解析和修改STL字符串的库。CTTL substring类可以用来比较,插入,替换以及用EBNF的语法进行解析。





Commandline flags module for C++

The Conversations Column in C/C++ Users' Journal

c++ blog

General C++ Links1

My Most Used C++ References:


Industrial Strength Sites:

Macros and Asserts:

File I/O:

  • File Management Functions:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/ … /fileio/fs/filemanagementfunctions.asp

  • INI File Functions:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/ … /winprog/unicodelayerinifilefunctions.asp

  • I/O Redirection:


Profiling and Memory:

Pattern References:



C++ FAQs (2nd Edition) by Marshall P. Cline


This is a great great book that contains answers to about 500 questions on programming, design, analysis and testing. This book is not for beginners, but for programmers who have figured out the syntax of the language, and are looking to implement them. If you have questions like “What is a class invariant?”, “How should I use exceptions?”, “What happens when a destructor is executed?”, then this is the book for you.


Internet sites and files of interest to C++ users2


10 June 2010

I have tried to assemble a list on interesting files and sites on the internet that are relevant to C++ users - especially those with interests in numerical methods. Generally, these are sites and files I have seen mentioned on comp.lang.c++, comp.lang.c++.moderated or comp.std.c++. My selection is pretty random and certainly doesn't cover everything. In particular, I haven't tried to include everything already included in other people's lists of libraries. I don't check these sites for accuracy or usefulness - if I come across a site that looks as though it is about C++ and I am able to understand it enough to classify it, it will normally go into the list. So reader beware.

"Inclusion of a site is not an endorsement and lack of inclusion is not a criticism."

For recent entries search for ###.

It is becoming less and less possible to do justice to the vast amount of material out there and I have given up trying to update the links so don't forget the search engines:

http://www.google.com http://www.yahoo.com

Comments, corrections, additions and subtractions to robert at statsresearch.co.nz Replace at by you-know-what.

For the rest of my web site go to http://www.robertnz.net

I'll put this document on http://www.robertnz.net/cpp_site.html

Files with suffixes .Z, .gz, .zip need to be uncompressed. Msdos uncompressors can be found under compression or archivers in the msdos program archives. Use uncompress or gzip -d on unix machines to uncompress .Z or .gz files. Compressed files should be downloaded in binary mode; text files in ascii mode.

Frequently asked questions

Bjarne Stroustrup's FAQ http://www.research.att.com/~bs/bs_faq.html

Marshall Cline's C++ FAQ list: (see this site for other download sites and other languages) http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/

Joe Buck's G++ (Gnu C++) FAQ list - rather old: (look in this to see where to find G++ compiler files) ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group/news.answers/g++-FAQ/plain

Visual C++/MFC FAQ list - not here anymore http://mfcfaq.stingray.com/

Watcom C++ FAQ http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/watfaq.txt http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/watfaq.shtml

Vinit Carpenter's list of C and C++ tutorials (really old) ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group/news.answers/C-faq/learn-c-cpp-today

C++ standardisation and comp.std.c++ http://www.research.att.com/~austern/csc/faq.html

Steve Summit's C FAQ list: http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.html

Numerical analysis FAQ list http://www.mathcom.com/corpdir/techinfo.mdir/index.html

Ross McKay and Wade Guthrie's FAQ list on "Platform Independent GUIs" http://www.zeta.org.au/~rosko/pigui.htm

comp.object FAQ http://www.cyberdyne-object-sys.com/oofaq2

alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++ FAQ list http://www.faqs.org/faqs/C-faq/learn/

Object orientation http://www.avalon.net/~wbachman/OOFAQ/oo-faq-toc.html

Learning C++

See "FAQs" above; see also "C++ resources", "consulting services", "everything sites" and "Websites for authors of C++ books and articles" below.

### June The C++ language from its basics up to the newest features of ANSI-C++, including basic concepts such as arrays or classes and advanced concepts such as polymorphism or templates. http://www.cplusplus.com/

### June A web site designed to help you learn the C or C++ programming languages, and provide you with C and C++ programming language resources. http://www.cprogramming.com/

Tutorials about C++ http://cplus.about.com/

C++ Annotations (moving from C to C++) http://www.icce.rug.nl/documents/cplusplus/

DevCentral tutorials for C and C++ http://devcentral.iftech.com/learning/tutorials/

C++ tutorials for Windows 32, how to do without MFC, getting the compiler to do the hard work of avoiding memory leaks, games, frequency analysis etc http://www.relisoft.com/

Coronado enterprises tutorials (formerly Gordon Dodrill's) You can see sample chapters, but are charged for the full tutorials http://www.coronadoenterprises.com/

Guru of the week - ie discussion papers on using C++ http://www.cntc.com/resources/gotw.html

Tutorials etc on Borland's CBuilder http://www.richplum.co.uk/cbuilder/

Tutorial on the STL by Phil Ottewell. http://www.yrl.co.uk/~phil/stl/stl.htmlx http://www.pottsoft.com/home/stl/stl.htmlx He has also got a tutorial on C for Fortran users http://www.pottsoft.com/home/c_course/course.html

Notes for a university lecture course, but maybe there is enough here for independent study. http://m2tech.net/cppclass/

Note on pointers - perhaps more oriented towards C than C++. http://www.cudenver.edu/~tgibson/tutorial/

Very simple C under DOS or MS-windows. Not much C++; possibly useful to someone interested in programming MS-windows without MFC etc. http://www.cpp-programming.com

Weekly newsletter on C++ and other things: aimed at helping new and intermediate programmers improve their coding skills. http://www.cyberelectric.net.au/~collins

www.informit.com - a site run by Macmillan USA containing a lot of information including the several well-known C++ books for free download - if you are prepared to supply name and email address http://www.informit.com/

C++ in 21 days - 2nd edition http://newdata.box.sk/bx/c/

A variety of C++ books on line (Macmillian, Sams, Wiley, IDG etc) You can see the tables of contents, but you will have to have a subscription to read the books themselves after a free trial. http://www.itknowledge.com/reference/dir.programminglanguages.c1.html

Elementary introduction to C++ (mostly the C subset) http://clio.mit.csu.edu.au/TTT/

How to use function-pointers in C and C++, callbacks, functors http://www.function-pointer.org http://www.newty.de/fpt/fpt.html

Short C++ tutorial, aimed at people who already have experience with an object-oriented programming language http://www.entish.org/realquickcpp/

Articles about Win32, C++, MFC articles using VC++ compiler. http://www.codersource.net

Site lists

Google web directory http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Programming/Languages/C++/

### September An A-Plus C++ Resources Directory http://www.aplus.net/docs/facts/an-a-plus-c++-resources-directory.htm

University of Cambridge Department of Engineering http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/languages/C++.html

Object-Oriented Numerics Web Site http://oonumerics.org/

German scientific computing (in English) http://scicomp.math.uni-augsburg.de/~scicomp/

World-wide-web "C++ Virtual Library" http://www.desy.de/user/projects/C++.html

Karim Ratib's list of C++ sites (Scientific computing, graphs, GUIs etc) http://www.IRO.UMontreal.CA/~ratib/code/

Phil Austin's list of oo sites for scientific computing http://www.geog.ubc.ca/~phil/oo

Manfred Schneider's list of sites (CETUS links) http://www.objenv.com/cetus/software.html http://www.rhein-neckar.de/~cetus/software.html

Site list from Forschungszentrum Juelich http://www.fz-juelich.de/zam/cxx/extern.html

C++ and C SIG (New York) http://www.cppsig.org/

This file http://www.robertnz.com/cpp_site.html

"Connected Object Solutions" list http://www.connobj.com/refserv.htm

Warren Young's list - especially STL http://www.cyberport.com/~tangent/programming/index.html

Andy Tai's list of gui interfaces http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/7184/guitool.html

Joerg Arndt's list of C & C++ code - particularly numerical things & FFT http://www.jjj.de/joerg.html

Bowden Wise's page http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~wiseb/ http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~wiseb/c++-notes.html

Peter Baeumle's page (in German) http://www.bg.bib.de/baeumle/oop/cpp/

Robert Mudge's page and shareware metrics tool http://www.tqnet.com/m2tech/se.htm

Bernd Mohr's site list http://www.kfa-juelich.de/zam/cxx/extern.html

Simo Salminen's site list http://www.utu.fi:80/~sisasa/oasis/index.html

Brad Appleton's site list http://www.enteract.com/~bradapp/links/cplusplus-links.html

Comeau Computing's site Site list, book recommendations http://www.comeaucomputing.com

Decision Tree for Optimization Software (mostly in F* but some C++) http://plato.la.asu.edu/guide.html

Garbage collection links (some C++) http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gorik/garbage/

Borland CBuilder sites http://members.aol.com/zbuilder/resource.htm

C++ links including notes on online tutorials http://cplus.miningco.com/

J. Shiva's site (links, book recommendations etc) http://www.slack.net/~shiva/

DJGPP web ring http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/6552/djring.html

Alan Clarke's site list and tips of the day http://cpptips.hyperformix.com/

Open directory project http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Object_Oriented/

Borland Builder programmers web ring http://C.webring.com/hub?sid=&ring=cbuilder&id=&list

Jonathan's Working with C++Builder Page http://www.buddydog.org/C++Builder/c++builder.html

Open Watcom links etc http://howlingmad.gmxhome.de/

Free software sites http://www.thefreecountry.com

C++ resources

Borland builder development http://www.bcbdev.com/

An STL Error Decryptor to decode those "cryptic" STL error messages Works with Visual, Gnu, Comeau, CodeWarrior C++ http://www.bdsoft.com/tools/stlfilt.html

C++ standards and documentation

(See also "Websites for authors of C++ books and articles" below where there are a number of relevant sites)

ANSI/ISO C++ committee website http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/

C++ Standard in pdf format - the real thing - costs $18 US (It is called ISO/IEC 14882-1998) http://webstore.ansi.org/ansidocstore/default.asp

Final ISO/IEC 9899:1999 update to the C language - costs $18 US (Go to Electronic Standards Store on the ansi website) http://www.ansi.org

Unofficial list of corrections to standard document http://www.acceleratedcpp.com/authors/koenig/c++std/revisions.pdf

Draft C++ standard - ps and pdf formats ftp://research.att.com/dist/c++std/WP/CD2

C++ Standards Committee papers http://anubis.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/

Updated appendix to ARM describing new features ftp://ftp.std.com/books/AW/stroustrup2e/iso.ps ftp://ftp.std.com/books/AW/stroustrup2e/newiso.ps

Review, errata, extracts from Stroustrup's "The C++ programming language, 2nd ed." http://www.research.att.com/~bs/2nd.html

Errata for Stroustrup's "The C++ programming language, 2nd ed." ftp://ftp.std.com/books/AW/stroustrup2e/errata9

Ian Joyner's 1996 critique of C++ (3rd edition) http://www.elj.com/cppcv3/

Quick reference to STL http://www.blueneptune.com/~yotam/stl.html

Object oriented standard discussion http://oonumerics.org/oon/oonstd/archive/

C9X draft standard (pdf and ascii) http://www.dkuug.dk/JTC1/SC22/WG14/

Notes on smart pointers http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/~mhw/c++ptr.html

Kevin S Van Horn C++/ STL components and articles http://www.xmission.com/~ksvhsoft/

Extensions introduced by standard http://nw.demon.co.uk/ocsltd/c++/ http://www.ocsltd.com/c++/

C++ standard issues list http://www.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/cwg_active.html http://www.comeaucomputing.com/iso/cwg_active.html

Notes about various aspects of C++, site list, book list etc http://www.cplus-zone.com/

Incompatibilities between ANSI standard and C++ described in ARM http://fusshuhn.ourfamily.com/cppincomp.html

The changes made to C++ by the joint ISO/ANSI C++ committee since Bjarne Stroustrup's ARM (Annotated Reference Manual) was published http://www.corfield.org/index.php?fuseaction=cplusplus.main

Comformance of C++ Compilers http://animal.ihug.co.nz/c++/compilers.html

Search index of C++ Programming Language; 3rd edition http://bookworm.atterer.net

C++ 2000 proposal (warning - this is dated April 1st, 1998) http://www.research.att.com/~bs/whitespace98.pdf

STL test suite http://petef.port5.com/cpp/stltest.html

C/C++ reference - particularly the standard libraries http://www.cppreference.com/

wikipedia entry (overview, history, links, books) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Plus_Plus

Kai tutorials (some comments on multithreading and on global initialisation) http://www.hlrs.de/organization/tsc/services/tools/docu/kcc/tutorials/index.html

List of libraries

Nikki Locke's list of libraries http://www.trumphurst.com/cpplibs/ http://purl.oclc.org/NET/C++Libraries

Search Nikki Locke's list of libraries http://www.trumphurst.com/cppsearch.phtml

Keith Briggs' list of matrix packages http://epidem13.plantsci.cam.ac.uk/~kbriggs/matclass_info

Ajay Shah's index of free C or C++ programs http://cliodhna.cop.uop.edu/~hetrick/c-sources.html ftp://usc.edu/pub/C-numanal/numcomp-free-c.gz ftp://ftp.math.psu.edu/pub/FAQ/numcomp-free-c

List of C++ numerical analysis libraries http://oonumerics.org/blitz/

List of free high performance linear algebra packages (all languages, some C++) http://www.netlib.org/utk/people/JackDongarra/la-sw.html

Everything sites

Sites that have some links, some source code, some training stuff, maybe some editorial i.e. "Portals".

C++4u.com http://www.cpp4u.com

"Dream in code" forum and reference sheet http://forums.dreamincode.net/showforum15.htm http://forums.dreamincode.net/showtopic12694.htm

Code, documentation, articles, orientation to Visual C++ and MFC. http://www.codeproject.com

Site list, some programs, other resources http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone3/index.htm

ITtoolbox C++: Job banks, tech news and stock information, downloads and tutorials, mailing lists, book and software links with visitor review comments and of course, links to C/C++-oriented sites. http://c.ittoolbox.com

Programming style

C++ and how you can easily increase the efficiency in programming for both speed and binary size and related topics http://www.sw-optimization.com/index.html

High Integrity C++ Coding Standard Manual (HTML version online, you have to request the pdf version). http://www.codingstandard.com

List of sites with C and C++ style guides http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/cml/cstyle/

Ellemtel's Programming in C++: Rules and Recommendations http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/cml/cstyle/Ellemtel-rules.html

Taligent's rules http://pcroot.cern.ch/TaligentDocs/TaligentOnline/DocumentRoot/1.0/Docs/books/WM/WM_1.html

Todd Hoff's coding style http://www.possibility.com/cpp

Software Quality HotList (long list of links to sites concerned with quality software) http://www.testworks.com/Institute/HotList/

Valentin Bonnard's programming advice for C++ (English & French) Also links, reference material http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/bonnard/ http://pages.pratique.fr/~bonnardv/index.html

Tim Ottinger's naming conventions http://tottinge.blogsome.com/meaningfulnames/ http://objectmentor.com/resources/articles/naming.htm

Re: Metrics for C++? Here is a list of publications and tools to browse through: http://satc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/index.html http://www.mccabe.com http://www.stsc.hill.af.mil/crosstalk/1994/dec/complex.html http://yunus.hun.edu.tr/~sencer/oom.html

See Scott Meyers & Martin Klaus paper in tech reports and papers section.

See Robert Martin's page under authors of C++ books

Some c++ guidelines in German; features an "expert summary" section and a more detailed chapter for c++ / programming novices. http://www.igd.fhg.de/~zach/progr/guidelines.html

Documentation systems

See also "environment"

### June DOC++ is a documentation system for C++ programs featuring generation of HTML and LaTeX documentation. http://www.zib.de/visual/software/doc++ http://docpp.sourceforge.net/index.html

Process C++ include files and produce web pages that document the libraries, classes, and global functions and types that are found in them http://www.stratasys.com/software/cocoon

It's yet another filter from C/C++ to LaTeX. It honors the tabbing used for the source file and generates clean LaTeX (not TeX ;-). ftp://ftp.gsyc.inf.uc3m.es/pub/literate/

PERCEPS: Perl script to generate documentation in a variety of formats from C++ header files. http://starship.python.net/crew/tbryan/PERCEPS/

Autoduck: extract tagged documentation from comment statements and assemble as html or rtf files (runs under MS windows). ftp://ftp.accessone.com/pub/ericartzt/autoduck.zip

C++/Perl->LaTeX converter (that produces beautiful program listings) no longer there? http://krabat.physik.uni-giessen.de/~traxler/

Dimitri van Heesch's Doxygen http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/index.html

Web++ parses C++ code to HTML format with a lot of hyper-links http://opinaca.inrs-eau.uquebec.ca/download/webpp/index_eng.html

Like javadoc for java, reads embedded comments in the source code and generates web based documentation. http://www.joelinoff.com/ccdoc

George: automatic source code documentation tool (Commercial product - free evaluation version) http://www.codework.com/george/product.htm

C & C++ source browser, with PERL API for creating automatic documentation Commercial product that is free to try http://www.scitools.com

Object Outline generates HTML, RTF, and WinHelp documentation for software written in C and C++ (now free) http://www.bbeesoft.com

Doc-O-Matic 2: cross linked documentation systems, including both Source Code Documentation and Application Documentation and User Manuals in PDF, HTML, HTML Help, Windows Help and RTF. Commercial product with free trial. http://www.doc-o-matic.com/

Book reviews

(see also Amazon.com and its associates under bookshops)

Yechiel Kimchi's list of bad books (don't buy) in C++ and some suggestions about choosing good ones. http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/users/yechiel/CS/BadBooksC+C++.html http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/users/yechiel/CS/ChoosingBooks.html http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/users/yechiel/CS/C+C++books.html

Association of C & C++ users http://www.accu.org/bookreviews/public/index.htm

Scott McMahan's reviews (now getting old and no longer there) http://www.skwc.com/essent/cr_reviews.html

Harvey Taylor's booklist; old (1994) and mostly historical http://www.robertnz.com/ftp/cpp_book.txt

Program archives

AT&T netlib (numerical analysis, lapack) ftp://netlib.att.com

Ericsson's C++ archives ftp://euagate.eua.ericsson.se/pub/c++

CICA (windows/DOS) http://www.cica.indiana.edu ftp://ftp.cica.indiana.edu

Simtel (DOS/windows) http://www.simtel.net/simtel.net/msdos/cpluspls.html ftp://oak.oakland.edu

Walnut Creek ftp://ftp.cdrom.com

Garbo (DOS/windows) ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi

Comp.sources.misc archives (unix) ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/usenet

Jumbo freeware/shareware site http://www.jumbo.com/

Source code

See also the sections "List of libraries", "Site lists", "Environment", "Commercial" and "Everything sites"

Sourceforge "The world's largest repository of open source code" http://sourceforge.net/

Freshmeat "Web's largest index of Unix and cross-platform software" http://freshmeat.net/

STLport - a free, open source C++ standard library that runs on just about any compiler. http://www.stlport.com

HP standard template library ftp://butler.hpl.hp.com/stl/* ftp://ftp.cs.rpi.edu/stl http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~musser/stl.html

D.R. Musser and Atul Saini, STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1996. Includes stl and ANSI-like string class (now out of date) ftp://ftp.cs.rpi.edu/pub/stl/book/

SGI version of standard template library (PCs or unix) Code, documentation, links http://www.sgi.com/Technology/STL/

Standard C++ library (Integrated with SGI STL 3.2, templatized IOStreams and locales, wrappers for C headers putting the symbols into namespace std) http://www.claas-solutions.de/cxxrt/

ObjectSpace STL http://www.objectspace.com/toolkits/download/index.html

ANSI-like string class (almost same as Musser/Saini string class) ftp://ftp.primenet.com/users/k/kj7bg/bstring.zip

Cay Horstmann's "Safe STL". http://www.mathcs.sjsu.edu/faculty/horstman/safestl.html

Jonathan Lundquist's non-standard library covering the same kind of facilities as the standard library http://www.fluxsmith.com/programming/library.asp (works with IE but not Netscape)

Repository for free C++ libraries; submissions are peer reviewed; emphasis on libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library http://www.boost.org/

Database template library: Make ODBC recordsets look like an STL container; move through our containers using standard STL iterators; and if you insert(), erase() or replace() records in our containers changes are automatically committed to the database. http://dtemplatelib.sourceforge.net/index.htm

Regular expression editor (portable), OLE automation examples (MS Windows) etc http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/John_Maddock/index.htm

String library (high-performance, portable, fast, regular expression support) Commercial, but you can get free trial including source. http://www.utilitycode.com/str

John J. Barton and Lee R. Nackman: Scientific and Engineering C++ no longer there http://www.research.ibm.com/xw-SoftwareTechnology-books-SciEng-AboutSciEng.html

Source code from Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo http://www.acceleratedcpp.com

Unicode support library (open source): includes character set conversions, collation, a Unicode based string class, date, time and calendar support, and much more. http://www.icu-project.org/

Edward M. Reingold's Calendar Papers and Code http://emr.cs.uiuc.edu/~reingold/calendars.shtml

Todd Knarr's date and time classes The files Date.C and Date.h contain a date class capable of handling dates from 1 Jan 4713BC to 31 Dec 9999AD. Time.C and Time.h contain a time class capable of to-the-second time resolution. This seems to have vanished - they're back! ftp://ftp.xmission.com/pub/users/t/tknarr

e4graph: C++ library for storing "irregular" data http://www.e4graph.com/e4graph/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/e4graph/

"DS++", a data structures library written in C++ ftp://dino.ph.utexas.edu/furnish/ds++-951128.tar.gz no longer there http://dino.ph.utexas.edu/~furnish/ds++

Oracle Call Interface Template Library http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/skuchin/otl_1pg.htm

M. A. Sridhar: Building Portable C++ Applications with YACL http://www.cs.sc.edu/~sridhar/yacl.html ftp://ftp.cs.sc.edu/pub/yacl

cpp-lib, a C++ network, maths & utility library released under the LGPL http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/~gwesp/sw/cpp-lib-0.9.3.tar.gz

Newmat matrix library, Newran random number library http://www.robertnz.com

GMM++ - Generic C++ Matrix Library http://www-gmm.insa-toulouse.fr/getfem/gmm_intro

GETFEM++: Generic and efficient C++ library for elementary computations for finite element methods http://www-gmm.insa-toulouse.fr/getfem/

Daveed Vandevod's valarray (array manipulation) programs ftp://ftp.cs.rpi.edu/pub/vandevod/Valarray/Rel1_1 ftp://ftp.cs.rpi.edu/pub/vandevod/Valarray/Rel2_0Beta

Roldan Pozo's sparselib++ and mv++ (& lecture notes on numerical C++) http://math.nist.gov:80/pozo http://math.nist.gov:80/acmd/Staff/RPozo/

Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) is a collection of interfaces and reference implementations of numerical objects useful for scientific computing in C++. http://math.nist.gov/tnt/

Tiny vector and matrix class - use Meta and Expression Templates http://sourceforge.net/projects/tvmet/

Matrix-vector class http://cheapmatrix.sourceforge.net/

Dan Quinlan's A++/P++ (also a pretty comprehensive set of numerical links). http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/hpc++/

The Matrix Template Library - includes sparse matrices, iterative methods etc http://www.osl.iu.edu/research/mtl/

The Blitz++ Numerical Library Project (techniques which will enable C++ to rival the speed of Fortran for numerical computing, while preserving an object-oriented interface) http://oonumerics.org/blitz/

MET is a C++ matrix class library which promotes the notational convenience of linear algebraic codes but is free of the overhead of superfluous temporary matrix objects. http://met.sourceforge.net/

GNUSSL Scientific Software Library. Linear algebra and arrays. ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/gnussl-0.2.1.tar.gz

Easy to use and powerful numerical library http://home.cern.ch/l/ldeniau/www/html/sl++.html

Rlab: Matlab "semi-clone" written in C++ http://www.eskimo.com/~ians/rlab.html

rmatrix - matrix library and associated classes http://flamingo.snu.ac.kr/~rmatrix/

Ed Tisdale's multidimensional array package http://www.netwood.net/~edwin/svmtl/

Parallel Mathematical Libraries Project Sparse iterative, direct, sequential and parallel solvers in C++, It supports NT systems and NT clusters. http://www.erc.msstate.edu/labs/hpcl/pmlp

Templated library for complex numbers, dynamic vectors, static vectors, full matrices, band matrices, sparse matrices, etc. and a representation for Tensors including contraction, direct product and multiplication. http://hft.e-technik.uni-dortmund.de/uk.html

Multidimensional array library using expression templates (version 2.0.0) http://www.lysator.liu.se/~enok/software/expresso/html

Keith Briggs' double double (quad) precision package http://members.lycos.co.uk/keithmbriggs/doubledouble.html

apfloat: C++ High Performance Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic Package http://www.iki.fi/~mtommila/apfloat/

HiPiLib Libraries - arbitrary precision arithmetic (Free to some users - otherwise commercial) http://www.hipilib.de/

Extend range of exponents of floating point numbers (Same precision as double, exponent range is increased) http://www.nbif.org/software

CLN - Class Library for Numbers (includes extra precision) http://www.ginac.de/CLN/

> I've been looking for Big Numbers libraries in C++ through Internet Hfloat http://www.jjj.de/joerg.html MIRAC ftp://ftp.compapp.dcu.ie/pub/crypto/

Numerical Toolbox for Verified Computing http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~iam/html/literatur/c-toolbox.html

Numerical optimisation (local and global) http://www-math.cudenver.edu/~rvan/VerGO/VerGO.html

Interval arithmetic http://www.ti3.tu-harburg.de/Software/PROFIL.html

Parallel Object-oriented Methods and Applications (POOMA) framework http://www.acl.lanl.gov/pooma

Portable Expression Template Engine http://www.acl.lanl.gov/pete

"deal" finite element library http://gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/~deal

"vs.lib" integrable/differentiable objects in C++, and "fe.lib", an object-oriented finite element library fe.lib has free source code, however, it is written with vs.lib which is not free. http://www.vector-space.com/

Finite elements and partial differential equations http://augustine.mit.edu/Christophe.Prudhomme/gfem.php

Modelling 3D fluid flow and other 3D diff. eq. modelling http://www.vug.uni-duisburg.de/MOUSE

Rheolef: a finite element environment - C++ classes and unix commands http://www-lmc.imag.fr/lmc-edp/Pierre.Saramito/rheolef

Class Library for Accelerator System Simulation and Control (includes a matrix package amongst other things) http://wwwslap.cern.ch/classic/

Digital signal processing library http://spuc.webjump.com/

Informatique CDC www page (Bison++, flex++, remote procedure call library) (This link seems to be broken) http://www.icdc.fr/

Qt-based Scientific Modeling and Plotting Library OptSolve++ – Nonlinear Optimization and Root-Finding http://www.techxhome.com/

Opensprings C++ libraries - mostly GUI at present, more to come (GPL or commercial license) http://www.opensprings.org/?q=node/view/3

Bruce Wampler's cross-platform C++ GUI Framework http://www.cs.unm.edu/~wampler/ ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/wampler/v.tar.gz ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/wampler/vwin.zip

Zinc cross-platform GUI (A commercial product available free for personal use) http://www.zinc.com/

wxWindows cross-platform GUI http://web.ukonline.co.uk/julian.smart/wxwin/ http://www.wxwindows.org

Qt: multiplatform C++ application framework (commercial product, but there is a free GPL version http://www.trolltech.com/

http://www.fltk.org/index.html C++ graphical user interface toolkit for X (UNIX�), OpenGL, and WIN32

C++ based Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces http://cyberia.cfdrc.com/FOX/fox.html

C++ Application Framework for the X Window System http://www.its.caltech.edu/~jafl/jx/

Code guru (lots of MFC stuff & notes on how to do things) http://www.codeguru.com/

MFC, win32, COM and some general C++ stuff http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/town/road/xmx04/Source/source.htm

COOOL optimisation (ie finding numerical maxima and minima) library ftp://ftp.cwp.mines.edu/pub/cwpcodes/coool http://www.cwp.mines.edu/cwpcodes/coool/

ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE): An Object-Oriented Network Programming Toolkit in C++ http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE.html

SWORD is a general-purpose C++ library, complements ACE in order to build high preformance, high quality, portable C++ software. http://www.erik-n.net/software/sword/

Middleware generator - you send this website a description of an object - it sends back code to send and receive this object. Access user guide from "C++ Middleware Form" page. http://www.webebenezer.net

Mumit Khan's fftpack++ http://www.xraylith.wisc.edu:80/~khan/

C++ interface to the netCDF portable binary data format: (for atmospheric scientists and geophysicists) http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/faq.html#cplusplus

Snippets collection - computer science and mathematics functions, mostly C, some C++ http://www.snippets.org/

Data mining and analysis http://www.sgi.com/Technology/mlc

Object Oriented MPI (OOMPI): A full-featured class library for MPI. What's MPI? Message passing interface (for parallel processors) http://www.osl.iu.edu/research/oompi/

C++-Wrapper for MPI (parallel programming) http://www.loria.fr/projets/para++

Physics and parallel processing software (and articles) http://www.acl.lanl.gov/software/

… a collection of C++ string, array, and matrix classes in the public domain http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~alb/techrep/techrep.html

Genetic Algorithms (GA) class library called TOLKIEN. http://home.netvigator.com/~anthony/tolkien.html

PDP++ neural network software http://www.co.umist.ac.uk/SupportWeb/pdp++/html/pdp-user_1.html

Callback library: http://www.newty.de/jakubik/callback.html

Paul Lucas's finite state machine ftp://ftp.best.com/pub/pjl/software/chsm-2.3.tar.gz http://www.best.com/~pjl/software.html ftp://a.cs.uiuc.edu/pub/mickunas/lucas.thesis.ps.Z (M.S. thesis)

An Algebraic Typing and Pattern Matching Preprocessor for C++ http://www.primenet.com/~georgen/app.html

… a collection of C++ algebraic objects, allowing equation representation+edit under windows environment. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6308

Image compression using wavelets http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~gdavis/wavelet/wavelet.html

Wavelets package http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~wavelets/

Crypto++ is a free C++ class library of cryptographic primitives http://www.eskimo.com/~weidai/cryptlib.html

C++ wrapper for Peter Gutmann's cryptlib ftp://ftp.franken.de/pub/crypt/cryptlib/CryptCpp.zip

Multiple integer and rational arithmetic c/c++ library http://indigo.ie/~mscott/

Matpack - C++ matrix and vector algebra, random number generators, special functions, FFT, quaternions, differential equations, integration, interpolation http://www.matpack.de/

LinAl - simple, easy to use yet fast library for linear algebra in C++. http://linal.sourceforge.net/LinAl/Doc/linal.html

Matlab to C++ Compiler and C++ Math Matrix Library - MATCOM V2 Now is commercial, but you can download a 30 day trial version http://www.mathtools.com

Mark Von Tress's matrix package: large matrices on small PCs http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/MSVonTress/homepage.htm

LinAl is a simple, easy to use and efficient linear algebra library http://linal.sourceforge.net/

Computational number theory (LiDIA) ftp://ftp.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/pub/TI/systems/LiDIA/LiDIA.tgz

LEDA: data structures, graph algorithms and geometric algorithms etc (Now a commercial product with 30 day evaluation license) http://www.algorithmic-solutions.com/enleda.htm http://www.quappa.com/leda.htm

Shareware database system - registered version includes source code; also links to other database sites relevant to C++ & databases http://www.equi4.com/metakit/

George Barwood's cryptographic software http://ds.dial.pipex.com/george.barwood/crypto.htm

The fastest FFT in the West (UNIX; in C but maybe you can put a C++ wrapper on it) http://www.fftw.org

2x2,3x3,4x4 inline matrix manipulation http://www.animats.com/topics/developers.html

Sage++ translater for parallel C++ http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/sage/index.html

Data aquisition, storage, analysis and presentation of large bodies of scientific (particularly physics) data http://root.cern.ch/

http://wissrech.iam.uni-bonn.de/research/projects/AWFD/index.html AWFD: C++ library for wavelet based solvers for PDEs and integral equations

Assertion checking (forall, x/x',time) & logging - parts require gcc http://www.cs.ntu.edu.au/homepages/pjm/nana-home

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) for Borland C++Builder (shareware) http://www.lohninger.com/fourier.html http://qspr03.tuwien.ac.at/lo/fourier.html

Numerical recipes in C, F* etc (Online access to book, online store for software, etc) http://www.nr.com/

CIDLib: general purpose C++ development framework, 300+ classes. Source, documentation & tutorial. Release is for NT/VC++, but portable to other platforms. Expect Linux version soon. Includes environment, collection classes, numerous core data types, encryption, error message and exception management, file system support, TCP/IP, regular expressions, windows and graphics support, etc. etc. http://www.charmedquark.com/

Brighton University Resource Kit for students http://burks.bton.ac.uk/burks/

Some code examples http://users.deltanet.com/~tegan/home.html

Nonlinear statistical modelling using automatic differentiation (main product is commercial but there is a demonstration version for download) http://www.island.net/~otter/index.html

Perl-like C++ classes for string manipulation ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/mo/morris/splash.notes ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/mo/morris/splash190.tar.gz ftp://ftp.netcom.com//pub/mo/morris/splash190.zip

RE-Lib - C++ Regular Expression Library http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/8778/pubdom.html

Computational thermodynamics library - Gibbs energy of multi-compartment systems http://www.chem.msu.su/~rudnyi/tdlib/

GAlib: A C++ Library of Genetic Algorithm Components http://lancet.mit.edu/ga/

ROBOOP: A Robotics Object Oriented Package in C++ (for simulation of robotic manipulator models) http://www.cours.polymtl.ca/roboop/

libsql++ is a c++ library that wraps ODBC calls into an oo interface. Provides c++ applications with an easy to use approach to databases. http://www.orcane.net/sql++/

C++ Library for accessing multiple SQL databases - shareware http://www.sqlapi.com/index.html

DGC is a conservative distributed garbage collection library built on top of Boehm and Demers' collector for (mainly) uniprocessors. http://www.yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/gc/dgc.shtml ftp://ftp.yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pub/gc/dgc-0.1b.tar.gz

C++ Library for Quantum Computer Emulation http://home.plutonium.net/~dagreve/qdd.html

Multi-variate polynomial interpolation http://www.mi.uni-erlangen.de/~sauer/

C++ classes for speech recognition http://www.bigfoot.com/~Jialong_He

C and C++ code with emphasis on Windows and MFC also tutorial http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com

C++ uniform random number generators (For BeOS but I imagine they are portable) http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~bebox/rng.html

Numerical and computer science routines in C http://www.willnaylor.com/wnlib.html

C++ interface to ARPACK ( Fortran routines for eigenvalues of sparse matrices) http://www.ime.unicamp.br/~chico/arpack++/ http://www.caam.rice.edu/software/ARPACK/

Programs from modelling vibration http://www.vibrationdata.com/software.htm

Socket library (Unix and Windows) http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/lavender/courses/socket++/

Another socket library (Unix and Windows) http://www.alhem.net/Sockets/index.html

library for filtering and transforming STL containers (development stage at present) http://www.zib.de/weiser/vtl/

JPEG image compression (C code) http://www.ijg.org/

Mathematical expression parser http://alienorb.com/Parser/

Functional programming library http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~yannis/fc++/

kbhit under Linux http://linux-sxs.org/kbhit.html

C++ implementation of the Mersenne Twister random number generator http://www.coyotegulch.com/libcoyote/TwistedRoad/TwistedRoad.html


See the G++ FAQ list for where to download the G++ compiler

Gnu win32 related projects http://www.xraylith.wisc.edu/~khan/software/gnu-win32/index.html

ECGS home page (experimental Gnu C++ compiler) http://egcs.cygnus.com/

DJGPP compiler http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/

DEV-C++ development environment for windows (includes Gnu compiler) http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html

"Ch" interpreter for C and subset of C++ (free for academic and non-profit organisations) http://www.softintegration.com

Digital Mars C and C++ Compilers for Win32, Win16, DOS32 and DOS Compiler is free, low cost for CD including library source, IDE, etc http://www.digitalmars.com

Borland C++ compiler version 5.5 for windows (free) http://www.inprise.com/downloads/#cppbuilder

Running Borland 5.5 compiler under Borland 5.02 IDE http://www.sirma.bg/knowledgebase/

Intel compiler for Linux - free for non-commercial use (There is also a version for Windows but it isn't free after 30 days) [You have to register to do the download] http://www.intel.com/software/products/compilers/clin/noncom.htm If you are trying to use version 7 under RedHat 9 Linux please see http://newweb.ices.utexas.edu/misc/ctype.c

Free, public domain C/C++ compiler and checker technology (with source) http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~patrykz/TenDRA/

Maintenance files for Watcom C++ http://download.sybase.com/esd/c_v11.html http://download.sybase.com/esd/c_v105.html http://download.sybase.com/esd/c_v10.html

Open Watcom site http://www.openwatcom.org/


Ultimate++ is the complete C++ GPL lincensed development system. It consists of set of libraries (GUI, SQL, web etc.) and the integrated development environment (TheIDE). http://www.ntllib.org/upp

IDE for Gnu G++ under MS Windows (also list of free compilers etc) http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html

OSE class library (error management, memory management, date/time etc), environment and documentation tools http://www.dscpl.com.au/

emacs mode no longer there? ftp://ftp.python.org/pub/emacs/cc-mode.tar.gz ftp://ftp.python.org/pub/emacs/cc-mode/ http://www.python.org/ftp/emacs/ ftp://archive.cis.ohio-state.edu/pub/gnu

ABC++ is a preprocessor and documentation tool which translates an extended C++ syntax into ANSI C++. http://patriot.net/~jones

Software dev tools purchased or considered by Fermilab http://www.fnal.gov/cd/sweng/sweng.html

Freeware UML class diagram drawing tool with C++ code generation (runs under MS windows) http://homestead.dejanews.com/user.Xvenemaj/files/ClassBuilder.htm http://members.tripod.lycos.nl/JimmyVenema/ClassBuilder/ClassBuilder.htm

HTML-kit: simple editor for MS Windows that includes a mode for C++ www.chami.com/html-kit

Make file generator for Unix http://www.ai.rug.nl/~bneijt/prog/C++/ccbuild/

User and special interest groups; forums

Go4expert C++ forum http://www.go4expert.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=20

C++ and C SIG (New York) http://www.cppsig.org/

C++ SIG of Object Developers Group (ODG), New York City http://www.objdev.org/news/c.html

Association of C & C++ users http://www.accu.org/

C/C++ users' group http://www.hal9k.com/cug/index.htm

Wavelets forum http://www.ondelette.com/indexen.html


Extraordinary C++ conference, Sept 23-26, 2007, Astoria, Oregon http://www.astoriaseminar.com

SIGs conferences http://www.101com.com/conferences/sigs/

List of computer science and mathematics conferences http://www.netlib.org/confdb/Conferences.html

Related languages

Online magazines and journals

Technical reports and papers

See also C++ authors

C++ Report and Journal of Object Oriented Programming (partial) archive http://www.adtmag.com/joop/index.asp

Template metaprograms http://extreme.indiana.edu/~tveldhui/papers/Template-Metaprograms/meta-art.html

Todd Veldhuizen: Techniques for Scientific C++ http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/~tveldhui/papers/techniques/techniques.html

Quinn Tyler Jackson's papers http://qtj.n3.net/~quinn/

The new C++ casting operators http://www.acm.org/crossroads/xrds3-1/ovp3-1.html

Interviews with Nathan Myers and Stan Lippman of state of C++ http://www.technetcast.com/tnc_cpp0.html

Paul Pedriana: High Performance Game Programming in C++ http://www.ccnet.com/~paulp/index.html

Call for papers

Articles on all aspects of C++ are being sought for publication in C++ Toolbox, a new column on C++ programming that premiered in the January 1996 issue of SIGPLAN Notices. http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~wiseb/sigplan/toolbox-call.html http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~wiseb/sigplan/toolbox-call.txt http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~wiseb/sigplan/toolbox.html (includes past issues)

Websites for authors of C++ books and articles

Bjarne Stroustrup http://www.research.att.com/~bs/homepage.html

Andrew Koenig http://www.research.att.com/info/ark

Nicolai M. Josuttis (The C++ Standard Library, C++ Templates - The Complete Guide) http://www.josuttis.com/

Daveed Vandevoorde (C++ Templates - The Complete Guide) http://vandevoorde.com/Templates

Scott Meyers (also consulting/training services) http://www.aristeia.com/

Ira Pohl http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/~pohl

Steve Heller, author and software engineer Copies of his books "Who's Afraid of C++?" and "Optimizing C++" online here. http://www.steveheller.com/

Mark Nelson http://www.dogma.net/markn

Jesse Liberty (also consulting/training services) http://www.libertyassociates.com

Nathan Myers http://www.cantrip.org/

Robert Martin (look at the articles page) http://www.objectmentor.com/

P J Plauger http://www.tiac.net/users/pjp/

Bruce Eckel (Includes "Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition" online) http://www.mindview.net/ http://www.eckelobjects.com/

Douglas C. Schmidt (Networking, C++ report, etc) http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/

Ian Joyner (programming languages, object-orientation, distributed processing, and people factors) http://homepages.tig.com.au/~ijoyner/

Scott Robert Ladd http://www.coyotegulch.com/

Herb Sutter (standards, Guru of the week, articles) http://www.gotw.ca/

Ray Lischner (C++ in a Nutshell - forthcoming; draft copy) http://www.tempest-sw.com/cpp/

Consulting services

(but with some free things)

…technical help and expert consulting on a variety of topics, for free (for now) http://www.experts-exchange.com

Dinkum (STL things) http://www.dinkumware.com/index.html

San Francisco Bay Area Center for Advanced Technology (consulting, training, interesting articles) http://www.centeradv.com


See also consulting services

IT Job Board: C++ Jobs in Europe http://www.itjobboard.nl/browse/Browse-C++-Jobs/en

Microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/ ftp://ftp.microsoft.com

Borland (Inprise?) http://www.inprise.com/ http://www.borland.com/ See also http://community.borland.com/ http://www.teamb.com

Symantec: http://www.symantec.com/

IBM http://www.software.ibm.com/

DigitalMars (C++ and D compilers) http://www.digitalmars.com/

Engineering Objects International - Peter N Roth C++ & Delphi Specialists (Class builder) http://engineeringobjects.com

ObjectSpace (class libraries: STL + other toolkits) http://www.objectspace.com

ObjectSoftware: Javadoc-like documentation tool; other development tools http://www.obsoft.com

Ochre software: source code beautifier for C++. Fully functional 15 day trial is available for download http://www.ochre.com.au/index.html

Upspring Software - Development and Quality Assurance products including C++ browser (50 standard queries; text and graph views; class member attributes; macros and compiler generated constructs; understands function/operator overloading; integrated editors; etc) http://www.upspringsoftware.com/products/coderover/index.html

Cygnus solutions http://www.cygnus.com/

Rogue Wave software http://www.roguewave.com/

Extreme optimization - Numerical and statistical library for .NET framework including managed C++ (free 15 day trial version) http://www.extremeoptimization.com/

Dundas Software (M++ multidimensional array and math library - discontinued?) http://www.dundas.com/index.asp?/products/dyad

NMath Matrix is an advanced matrix manipulation library for the .NET platform (commercial software - free trial version) http://www.centerspace.net/products.php?page=2

Advanced Scientific Applications, Inc. http://www.scimath.com/

Dakota Scientific Software http://www.scisoft.com/

I-Logix (object oriented design, UML, papers on UML etc) http://www.ilogix.com

ObjecTime (real-time object oriented programming) http://www.objectime.com/

Addison-Wesley books (includes descriptions of their C++ books) http://www.aw.com/cseng/

Waite group press http://www.waite.com/

Plum Hall (validation suites etc) http://www.plumhall.com/index.html

KAI (Kuck & Associates, Inc.) The KAI compiler has been discontinued http://developer.intel.com/software/products/kcc/

Edison Design Group (C++ front ends) http://www.edg.com

Intel C++ compiler (see also compilers) http://www.intel.com/cd/software/products/asmo-na/eng/compilers/

Comeau Computing (C++ front ends) http://www.comeaucomputing.com

Delta logic (STL products - also list of STL resources) http://www.deltalogic.com/

Codebase: xBASE compatible database engine for C/C++ http://www.sequiter.com/

C++ report (RIP) http://www.creport.com/

Dr Dobbs Journal http://www.ddj.com

C/C++ Users' Journal http://www.cuj.com

Visual C++ dev journal http://www.vcdj.com/default.asp

Template Graphics Software (3D graphics libraries) http://www.tgs.com/

Genitor Corporation (graphical editing environment & other tools for constructing, documenting, and maintaining C/C++ code) http://www.genitor.com

Numerical objects PDE portal and diffpack site This is a commercial site with links to Partial Differential Equation sites. Free access to some diffpack source code. Reports on applications of diffpack and general numerical programming. http://www.pdeportal.com/

C++-Class-Libraries (GUI - Scheduling - Planning - Optimization) http://www.ilog.fr

Parasoft (software quality development tools) http://www.parasoft.com/insure/index.htm

OPT++: Object-Oriented Nonlinear Optimization Library http://crd.lbl.gov/~meza/projects/opt++/

Tech-X Corporation - object oriented numerics (optimisation and physics applications) Optimisation program available for free non-commercial use http://www.techxhome.com

Object continuum - date/time and ODBC classes http://www.objectcontinuum.com

Object Design - object oriented data management including large-scale financial systems, packaged software applications, high-performance commercial Web sites, telecommunications http://www.objectdesign.com

IP*works - network interface components - trial versions available for download. http://www.nsoftware.com/index.asp

jfront inc. C++ library for parsing java source code http://www.jfront.com/rawjava

Wessex Scientific and Technical Services - scientific and engineering software in C++ (& Fortran). http://wxres.com/

Programmer's Helpdesk - C++ and Java help for students by students http://www.helpmeprogram.com

Valentina object database engine - written in C++ but I don't know whether you can get to see the source. Interface SDKs in numerous languages. http://www.paradigmasoft.com


People ask where they can mail-order quality C++ books and here are 6 (out of many) answers.

Quantum books http://www.quantumbooks.com/

Amazon.com books - Seattle http://www.amazon.com/

Barnes And Noble http://barnesandnoble.com/

Bookpool. Discounts, on-line catalogue, reviews etc http://www.bookpool.com

Nerdbooks http://www.nerdbooks.com

Powell's books http://www.powells.com

C++ news-groups

alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++ comp.lang.c++ comp.lang.c++.leda comp.lang.c++.moderated Moderation policy: http://www.connobj.com/cpp/guide.htm comp.object comp.os.msdos.djgpp comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools.mfc comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools.owl comp.std.c++ To submit articles: Try just posting with your newsreader. FAQ: http://reality.sgi.com/employees/austern_mti/std-c++/faq.html Policy: http://reality.sgi.com/employees/austern_mti/std-c++/policy.html de.comp.lang.c++ de.comp.lang.iso-c++ es.comp.lenguajes.c++ fido.ger.cplusplus fj.lang.c++ fr.comp.lang.c++ gnu.g++.announce gnu.g++.bug gnu.g++.help gnu.g++.lib.bug hepnet.lang.c++ han.comp.lang.c++ it.comp.lang.c++ microsoft.public.de.vc microsoft.public.es.vc microsoft.public.usasalesinfo.developer.visualc++ microsoft.public.vc.* powersoft.public.watcomCC++.general relcom.fido.su.c-c++

Search current and old newsgroups http://www.google.com/grphp?hl=en

For accessing DigitalMars newsgroups see http://www.digitalmars.com/NewsGroup.html

For accessing Inprise/Borland newsgroups see http://www.inprise.com/newsgroups/

Email discussion groups

Threads in C++ mailing list http://www.codesourcery.com/archives/c++-pthreads/threads.html

Standard template library To post to the list, send email to mailto:genstl@atext.com To ask to be added or removed from the list, send email to mailto:genstl-request@atext.com with the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the Subject line.

Object oriented numerics mailing list http://oonumerics.org/oon/oon-list/

Parallel processing newsletter http://www.kfa-juelich.de/zam/cxx/mpp/index.html

Numerical analysis digest http://www.netlib.org/na-net/na_home.html


Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:21

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
