C++ Standard headers

Table of Contents

C++ Standard headers

The following files contain the declarations of the C++ Standard Library.


New in C++11 and TR1. Provides the container class template std::array, a container for a fixed sized array.

Provides the specialized container class std::bitset, a bit array.

Provides the container class template std::deque, a double-ended queue.

New in C++11 and TR1. Provides the container class template std::forwardlist, a singly linked list.

Provides the container class template std::list, a doubly linked list.

Provides the container class templates std::map and std::multimap, sorted associative array and multimap.

Provides the container adapter class std::queue, a single-ended queue, and std::priorityqueue, a priority queue.

Provides the container class templates std::set and std::multiset, sorted associative containers or sets.

Provides the container adapter class std::stack, a stack.

New in C++11 and TR1. Provides the container class template std::unorderedmap and std::unorderedmultimap, hash tables.

New in C++11 and TR1. Provides the container class template std::unorderedset and std::unorderedmultiset.

<vector> Provides the container class template std::vector, a dynamic array.


<algorithm> Provides definitions of many container algorithms.

<functional> Provides several function objects, designed for use with the standard algorithms.

<iterator> Provides classes and templates for working with iterators.

<locale> Provides classes and templates for working with locales.

<memory> Provides facilities for memory management in C++, including the class template std::uniqueptr.

<stdexcept> Contains standard exception classes such as std::logicerror and std::runtimeerror, both derived from std::exception.

<tuple> New in C++11 and TR1. Provides a class template std::tuple, a tuple.

<utility> Provides the template class std::pair, for working with pairs (two-member tuples) of objects. [edit]Strings

<string> Provides the C++ standard string classes and templates.

<regex> Provides utilities for pattern matching strings using regular expressions. [edit]Streams and Input/Output

<fstream> Provides facilities for file-based input and output. See fstream.

<iomanip> Provides facilities to manipulate output formatting, such as the base used when formatting integers and the precision of floating point values.

<ios> Provides several types and functions basic to the operation of iostreams.

<iosfwd> Provides forward declarations of several I/O-related class templates.

<iostream> Provides C++ input and output fundamentals. See iostream.

<istream> Provides the template class std::istream and other supporting classes for input.

<ostream> Provides the template class std::ostream and other supporting classes for output.

<sstream> Provides the template class std::sstream and other supporting classes for string manipulation.

<streambuf> Provides reading and writing functionality to/from certain types of character sequences, such as external files or strings.


<complex> Provides class template std::complex and associated functions for working with complex numbers.

<numeric> Provides algorithms for numerical processing

<random> New in C++11. 26.5-1 This subclase defines a facility for generating (pseudo-)random numbers.

<valarray> Provides the template class std::valarray, an array class optimized for numeric processing.

Language support

<exception> Provides several types and functions related to exception handling, including std::exception, the base class of all exceptions thrown by the Standard Library.

<limits> Provides the template class std::numericlimits, used for describing properties of fundamental numeric types.

<new> Provides operators new and delete and other functions and types composing the fundamentals of C++ memory management.

<typeinfo> Provides facilities for working with C++ run-time type information. [edit]Thread support library

<thread> New in C++11. Provide class and namespace for working with threads.

<mutex> New in C++11. 30.4-1 This section provides mechanisms for mutual exclusion: mutexes, locks, and call once.

<conditionvariable> New in C++11. 30.5-1 Condition variables provide synchronization primitives used to block a thread until notified by some other thread that some condition is met or until a system time is reached.

<future> New in C++11. 30.6.1-1 Describes components that a C++ program can use to retrieve in one thread the result (value or exception) from a function that has run in the same thread or another thread.

More: wiki

Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:21

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
