Data Visualization Overview

Table of Contents


Visualization Toolkits

  • D3 - A JavaScript library for data-driven DOM manipulation, interaction and animation. Includes utilities for visualization techniques and SVG generation.
  • Processing and Processing.js - A popular Java-like graphics and interaction language and IDE. Processing has a strong user community with many examples.
  • Protovis - JavaScript visualization language, predecessor of d3.
  • HTML/!JavaScript/XML - use standard web technologies to build the visualization. You may use libraries such as jQuery, Dojo, and the Google Maps API to help build your visualization.
  • PolyMaps – create map displays with JavaScript & SVG.
  • Flare - Visualization toolkit for Adobe Flash.
  • Modest Maps - Mapping library for Flash.
  • Prefuse - Visualization toolkit for Java.
  • Improvise - Java system supporting coordinated views.
  • InfoVis Toolkit - A Java visualization library, from INRIA France.
  • Piccolo - A Java library for zoomable UIs, from the University of Maryland (Java and .NET).
  • VTK - A scientific visualization library (C++ with wrappers for other languages).

Statistical Data Analysis Tools

  • Tableau for Student – get Tableau free license as a student.
  • Tableau Public - a free version of Tableau which publishes to the web.
  • GGplot2 - a graphics language for R.
  • GGobi - visualizations for multivariate data.
  • Improvise - a visualization tool supporting a variety of visualization types.
  • ParVis - software for parallel coordinates.
  • TimeSearcher - interface for time-series data from U Maryland.
  • TreeMap - tree-mapping software from U Maryland.

Network Analysis Tools

  • NodeXL graph analysis plug-in for Excel.
  • Gephi - a graph analysis application.
  • GUESS - a combined visual/scripting interface for graph analysis.
  • Pajek - another popular network analysis tool.
  • NetworkX - graph analysis library for Python.
  • SNAP - graph analysis library for C++.

Color Tools

Web Development Tools

  • Beginner? Start with Sublime Text with Emmet and SublimeLinter/JSHint.
  • Like IDE and willing to pay? Webstorm is a good option.
  • Dash is great for quick documentation look up in Mac.

Tutorials & Tips

Data Sets


Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:20

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
