The Algorithm Design Manual: Chapter 1

Table of Contents

Book Notes

Combinatorial Objects

  • Permutations - arrangements, or orderings, of items ("arrangement" "tour" "ordering" or "sequence" )
  • Subsets - selections from a set of items ("cluster" "collection" "committee" "group" "packaging" or "selection")
  • Trees - hierarchical relationships between items ("hierarchy" "dominance relationship" "ancestor/descendant relationship" or "taxonomy")
  • Graphs - relationships between arbitrary pairs of objects ("network" "circuit" "web" or "relationship")
  • Points - locations in some geometric space ("sites" "positions" or "locations.)
  • Polygons - regions in some geometric spaces ("shapes" "regions" or "boundaries")
  • Strings - sequences of characters or patterns. ("text" "characters" "patterns" or "labels")

Recursive Objects

Big things that are made from smaller things of exactly the same type as the big thing. A decomposition rule describes how to get smaller things from big things.

As all combinatorial objects above are recursive objects here are a few possible decompositon rules for them:

  • Permutations - Deleting the first/last element of a permutation
  • Subsets - Deleting an element n if present
  • Trees - Deleting the root (results in a set of subtrees), deleting a leaf (a smaller tree)
  • Graphs - Deleting a vertex, dividing vertices to groups
  • Point - divide them to groups
  • Polygons - Inserting any internal chord between two nonadjacent vertices
  • Strings - Deleting a character (first or last)



Write a function to perform integer division without using either the / or * operators. Find a fast way to do it.

void DivideCore(int m, int n, int *quot, int *rem) {
  rem = m;
  quot = 0;
  while (rem >= n) {
    rem -= n;

void Divide(int m, int n, int *quot, int *rem) {
  int mult_n = 0;
  int last_n;
  while (m % n == 0) {
    last_n = n;
    n = n + n;
  DivideCore(m, n, quot, rem);
  for (int i = 0; i < mult_n; ++i) {
    quot = quot + quot;


There are 25 horses. At most, 5 horses can race together at a time. You must determine the fastest, second fastest, and third fastest horses. Find the minimum number of races in which this can be done.


  1. 5次:25匹分成5组,比赛5次,得到前5名。
  2. 6次:前5名比赛一次。因为只要得到前3名,这里剔除5名中的2名,剩下的3 匹按比赛排名所在组为G1,G2,G3。
  3. 7次:G3组只能去角逐第3名,派第一名G31,G2组只能去角逐第2,3名,派第一,二名,G21和G22。G1组G11已经是第一名,去角逐第2,3名,派G12,G13。最后 G12,G13,G21,G22和G31,得到第二,三名。


How many piano tuners are there in the entire world?



  1. 世界的人口。
  2. 拥有钢琴的人口比例。
  3. 拥有钢琴的学校,教堂等场所的数量。


  1. 每架钢琴平均多久需要调音一次。
  2. 对钢琴调音需要多长时间。
  3. 调音师的工作时间。
  4. 世界人口70亿,70×109
  5. 人口中弹奏乐器的人约占10%(肯定大于1%,小于100%),其中最多10%的人弹奏钢琴,而其中拥有钢琴的比例为2%-3%,约人口总数2×10-3 。每 5000-10000个人有一座教堂,每座教堂有一架钢琴,每500-1000个学生有一所学校,每所学校有一架钢琴,每人大约拥有3×10-3 架钢琴,所以钢琴数 70×109 × 3×10-3 = 2.1 * 108
  6. 钢琴调音的频率低于每月一次但多于10年一次,估计为一年一次。
  7. 调音所需时间多余30分钟,少于1天,估计为2小时。或钢琴有88个键,如果每个键花1分钟,需要1.5小时,若需2分钟,则需要3小时。
  8. 每天工作8小时,每周5天,每年工作50周,得出8×5×50=2000小时。2000小时能调音大学1000架钢琴。
  9. 2.1 * 108 / 1000 = 2.1 × 105 个调音师。


How many gas stations are there in the United States?


  1. 每天大约有多少辆汽车去加油。
  2. 每天一个加油站能给多少辆汽车加油。
  3. 美国人口总数约300×106 , 一家平均有2辆车左右,所以一共有车辆 150×106 ,每辆汽车每5天加油一次,一天有30×106 辆车去加油。
  4. 一个加油站平均每小时最少为1辆,最多100多辆汽车加油,取平均20-30辆每小时,一个加油站工作时间大概14小时(7am-9am),每个加油站每天平均大约为280辆车加油。
  5. 30×106 / 280 = 1.07 × 105 个加油站。


How much does the ice in a hockey rink weigh?


  1. 冰的体积。
  2. 冰的密度。

做如下估算: 1.冰场的长度:70m; 2.冰场的宽度:30m; 3.冰的厚度:10cm=0.1; 4.冰的密度与水相当,估算1000kg/m3 .

V = 70 * 30 * 0.1 = 210 m3 W = 210 *1000 = 210,000kg


How many miles of road are there in the United States?



On average, how many times would you have to flip open the Manhattan phone book at random in order to find a specific name?



复杂点答案:上面没有考虑不断翻页,会翻到相同的页面。翻到错误页面的概率是499/500,N次后的错误概率是(499/500)N ,所以N次后的正确页面概率是P=1- (499/500)N

那么: N=1 P = 0.002 N=2 P = 0.004 … N=1150 P = 0.89999


Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:20

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
