Python Things

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parse argument

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')
parser.add_argument('integers', metavar='N', type=int, nargs='+',
                   help='an integer for the accumulator')
parser.add_argument('--sum', dest='accumulate', action='store_const',
                   const=sum, default=max,
                   help='sum the integers (default: find the max)')

args = parser.parse_args()
print args.accumulate(args.integers)
$ 1 2 3 4

$ 1 2 3 4 --sum

Configuration file parser


sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install mechanize
pip install pyserial



python Ping

A pure python ping implementation using raw socket.

#!/usr/bin/env python
    A pure python ping implementation using raw socket.

    Note that ICMP messages can only be sent from processes running as root.

    Derived from ping.c distributed in Linux's netkit. That code is
    copyright (c) 1989 by The Regents of the University of California.
    That code is in turn derived from code written by Mike Muuss of the
    US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory in December, 1983 and
    placed in the public domain. They have my thanks.

    Bugs are naturally mine. I'd be glad to hear about them. There are
    certainly word - size dependenceies here.

    Copyright (c) Matthew Dixon Cowles, <>.
    Distributable under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    version 2. Provided with no warranties of any sort.

    Original Version from Matthew Dixon Cowles:

    Rewrite by Jens Diemer:

    Rewrite by George Notaras:

    Revision history

    November 8, 2009
    Improved compatibility with GNU/Linux systems.

    Fixes by:
     * George Notaras --
    Reported by:
     * Chris Hallman --

    Changes in this release:
     - Re-use time.time() instead of time.clock(). The 2007 implementation
       worked only under Microsoft Windows. Failed on GNU/Linux.
       time.clock() behaves differently under the two OSes[1].


    May 30, 2007
    little rewrite by Jens Diemer:
     -  change socket asterisk import to a normal import
     -  replace time.time() with time.clock()
     -  delete "return None" (or change to "return" only)
     -  in checksum() rename "str" to "source_string"

    November 22, 1997
    Initial hack. Doesn't do much, but rather than try to guess
    what features I (or others) will want in the future, I've only
    put in what I need now.

    December 16, 1997
    For some reason, the checksum bytes are in the wrong order when
    this is run under Solaris 2.X for SPARC but it works right under
    Linux x86. Since I don't know just what's wrong, I'll swap the
    bytes always and then do an htons().

    December 4, 2000
    Changed the struct.pack() calls to pack the checksum and ID as
    unsigned. My thanks to Jerome Poincheval for the fix.

    Last commit info:
    $LastChangedDate: $
    $Rev: $
    $Author: $

import os, sys, socket, struct, select, time

# From /usr/include/linux/icmp.h; your milage may vary.
ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST = 8 # Seems to be the same on Solaris.

def checksum(source_string):
    I'm not too confident that this is right but testing seems
    to suggest that it gives the same answers as in_cksum in ping.c
    sum = 0
    countTo = (len(source_string)/2)*2
    count = 0
    while count<countTo:
        thisVal = ord(source_string[count + 1])*256 + ord(source_string[count])
        sum = sum + thisVal
        sum = sum & 0xffffffff # Necessary?
        count = count + 2

    if countTo<len(source_string):
        sum = sum + ord(source_string[len(source_string) - 1])
        sum = sum & 0xffffffff # Necessary?

    sum = (sum >> 16)  +  (sum & 0xffff)
    sum = sum + (sum >> 16)
    answer = ~sum
    answer = answer & 0xffff

    # Swap bytes. Bugger me if I know why.
    answer = answer >> 8 | (answer << 8 & 0xff00)

    return answer

def receive_one_ping(my_socket, ID, timeout):
    receive the ping from the socket.
    timeLeft = timeout
    while True:
        startedSelect = time.time()
        whatReady =[my_socket], [], [], timeLeft)
        howLongInSelect = (time.time() - startedSelect)
        if whatReady[0] == []: # Timeout

        timeReceived = time.time()
        recPacket, addr = my_socket.recvfrom(1024)
        icmpHeader = recPacket[20:28]
        type, code, checksum, packetID, sequence = struct.unpack(
            "bbHHh", icmpHeader
        if packetID == ID:
            bytesInDouble = struct.calcsize("d")
            timeSent = struct.unpack("d", recPacket[28:28 + bytesInDouble])[0]
            return timeReceived - timeSent

        timeLeft = timeLeft - howLongInSelect
        if timeLeft <= 0:

def send_one_ping(my_socket, dest_addr, ID):
    Send one ping to the given >dest_addr<.
    dest_addr  =  socket.gethostbyname(dest_addr)

    # Header is type (8), code (8), checksum (16), id (16), sequence (16)
    my_checksum = 0

    # Make a dummy heder with a 0 checksum.
    header = struct.pack("bbHHh", ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, my_checksum, ID, 1)
    bytesInDouble = struct.calcsize("d")
    data = (192 - bytesInDouble) * "Q"
    data = struct.pack("d", time.time()) + data

    # Calculate the checksum on the data and the dummy header.
    my_checksum = checksum(header + data)

    # Now that we have the right checksum, we put that in. It's just easier
    # to make up a new header than to stuff it into the dummy.
    header = struct.pack(
        "bbHHh", ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, socket.htons(my_checksum), ID, 1
    packet = header + data
    my_socket.sendto(packet, (dest_addr, 1)) # Don't know about the 1

def do_one(dest_addr, timeout):
    Returns either the delay (in seconds) or none on timeout.
    icmp = socket.getprotobyname("icmp")
        my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, icmp)
    except socket.error, (errno, msg):
        if errno == 1:
            # Operation not permitted
            msg = msg + (
                " - Note that ICMP messages can only be sent from processes"
                " running as root."
            raise socket.error(msg)
        raise # raise the original error

    my_ID = os.getpid() & 0xFFFF

    send_one_ping(my_socket, dest_addr, my_ID)
    delay = receive_one_ping(my_socket, my_ID, timeout)

    return delay

def verbose_ping(dest_addr, timeout = 2, count = 4):
    Send >count< ping to >dest_addr< with the given >timeout< and display
    the result.
    for i in xrange(count):
        print "ping %s..." % dest_addr,
            delay  =  do_one(dest_addr, timeout)
        except socket.gaierror, e:
            print "failed. (socket error: '%s')" % e[1]

        if delay  ==  None:
            print "failed. (timeout within %ssec.)" % timeout
            delay  =  delay * 1000
            print "get ping in %0.4fms" % delay

if __name__ == '__main__':

ping and traceroute


Some simple-minded code for manipulating raw IP, ICMP, and UDP packets. They allow you to write ping and traceroute completely in Python; the code is smaller and simpler than the corresponding C versions (e.g. traceroute.c). The code was written for Python 1.4; it should be updated to use the new features of the struct module in 1.5.

A pure python ICMP ping implementation using raw sockets.

Lars Strand's ping uses the ICMP protocol's mandatory ECHOREQUEST datagram to elicit an ICMP ECHORESPONSE from a host or gateway.

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- 
""" uses the ICMP protocol's mandatory ECHO_REQUEST 
datagram to elicit an ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from a 
host or gateway. 

Copyright (C) 2004 - Lars Strand <lars strand at gnist org> 

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 
of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
GNU General Public License for more details. 

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. 

Must be running as root, or write a suid-wrapper. Since newer *nix 
variants, the kernel ignores the set[ug]id flags on #! scripts for 
security reasons 

RFC792, echo/reply message: 

 0                   1                   2                   3 
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
|     Type      |     Code      |          Checksum             | 
|           Identifier          |        Sequence Number        | 
|     Data ... 

- do not create socket inside 'while' (but if not: ipv6 won't work) 
- add support for broadcast/multicast 
- add support for own payload string 

DONE --> bugfix from Filip Van Raemdonck mechanix debian org 
DONE --> add more support for modules (raise instead of sys.exit) 
DONE --> locale func names 
DONE --> package def 
DONE --> some code cleanup 


import sys 
import os 
import struct 
import array 
import time 
import select 
import binascii 
import math 
import getopt 
import string 
import socket 

# total size of data (payload) 

# initial values of header variables 
ICMP_TYPE_IP6 = 128 
ICMP_ID = 0 

# Package definitions. 
__program__   = 'ping' 
__version__   = '0.5a' 
__date__      = '2004/15/12' 
__author__    = 'Lars Strand <lars at unik no>' 
__licence__   = 'GPL' 
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2004 Lars Strand' 

def _construct(id, size, ipv6): 
   """Constructs a ICMP echo packet of variable size 

   # size must be big enough to contain time sent 
   if size < int(struct.calcsize("d")): 
       _error("packetsize to small, must be at least %d" % int(struct.calcsize("d"))) 

   # construct header 
   if ipv6: 
       header = struct.pack('BbHHh', ICMP_TYPE_IP6, ICMP_CODE, ICMP_CHECKSUM,
                            ICMP_ID, ICMP_SEQ_NR+id) 
       header = struct.pack('bbHHh', ICMP_TYPE, ICMP_CODE, ICMP_CHECKSUM,
                            ICMP_ID, ICMP_SEQ_NR+id) 

   # if size big enough, embed this payload 

   # space for time 
   size -= struct.calcsize("d") 

   # construct payload based on size, may be omitted :) 
   rest = "" 
   if size > len(load): 
       rest = load 
       size -= len(load) 

   # pad the rest of payload 
   rest += size * "X" 

   # pack 
   data = struct.pack("d", time.time()) + rest 
   packet = header + data          # ping packet without checksum 
   checksum = _in_cksum(packet)    # make checksum 

   # construct header with correct checksum 
   if ipv6: 
       header = struct.pack('BbHHh', ICMP_TYPE_IP6, ICMP_CODE, checksum, 
                            ICMP_ID, ICMP_SEQ_NR+id) 
       header = struct.pack('bbHHh', ICMP_TYPE, ICMP_CODE, checksum, ICMP_ID, 

   # ping packet *with* checksum 
   packet = header + data 

   # a perfectly formatted ICMP echo packet 
   return packet 

def _in_cksum(packet): 
   """THE RFC792 states: 'The 16 bit one's complement of 
   the one's complement sum of all 16 bit words in the header.' 

   Generates a checksum of a (ICMP) packet. Based on in_chksum found 
   in ping.c on FreeBSD. 

   # add byte if not dividable by 2 
   if len(packet) & 1:              
       packet = packet + '\0' 

   # split into 16-bit word and insert into a binary array 
   words = array.array('h', packet) 
   sum = 0 

   # perform ones complement arithmetic on 16-bit words 
   for word in words: 
       sum += (word & 0xffff) 

   hi = sum >> 16 
   lo = sum & 0xffff 
   sum = hi + lo 
   sum = sum + (sum >> 16) 

   return (~sum) & 0xffff # return ones complement 

def pingNode(alive=0, timeout=1.0, ipv6=0, number=sys.maxint, node=None, 
            flood=0, size=ICMP_DATA_STR): 
   """Pings a node based on input given to the function. 

   # if no node, exit 
   if not node: 

   # if not a valid host, exit 
   if ipv6: 
       if socket.has_ipv6: 
               info, port = socket.getaddrinfo(node, None) 
               host = info[4][0] 
               # do not print ipv6 twice if ipv6 address given as node 
               if host == node: 
                   noPrintIPv6adr = 1 
               _error("cannot resolve %s: Unknow host" % node) 
           _error("No support for IPv6 on this plattform") 
   else:    # IPv4 
           host = socket.gethostbyname(node) 
           _error("cannot resolve %s: Unknow host" % node) 

   # trying to ping a network? 
   if not ipv6: 
       if int(string.split(host, ".")[-1]) == 0: 
           _error("no support for network ping") 

   # do some sanity check 
   if number == 0: 
       _error("invalid count of packets to transmit: '%s'" % str(a)) 
   if alive: 
       number = 1 

   # Send the ping(s) 
   start = 1; mint = 999; maxt = 0.0; avg = 0.0 
   lost = 0; tsum = 0.0; tsumsq = 0.0 

   # tell the user what we do 
   if not alive: 
       if ipv6: 
           # do not print the ipv6 twice if ip adress given as node 
           # (it can be to long in term window) 
           if noPrintIPv6adr == 1: 
               # add 40 (header) + 8 (icmp header) + payload 
               print "PING %s : %d data bytes (40+8+%d)" % (str(node), 
                                                            40+8+size, size) 
               # add 40 (header) + 8 (icmp header) + payload 
               print "PING %s (%s): %d data bytes (40+8+%d)" % (str(node), 
                                                                str(host), 40+8+size, size) 
           # add 20 (header) + 8 (icmp header) + payload 
           print "PING %s (%s): %d data bytes (20+8+%d)" % (str(node), str(host), 
                                                            20+8+size, size) 

   # trap ctrl-d and ctrl-c 

       # send the number of ping packets as given 
       while start <= number: 
           lost += 1 # in case user hit ctrl-c 

           # create the IPv6/IPv4 socket 
           if ipv6: 
               # can not create a raw socket if not root or setuid to root 
                   pingSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_RAW, 
               except socket.error, e: 
                   print "socket error: %s" % e 
                   _error("You must be root (uses raw sockets)" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) 

           # IPv4 
               # can not create a raw socket if not root or setuid to root 
                   pingSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, 
               except socket.error, e: 
                   print "socket error: %s" % e 
                   _error("You must be root (%s uses raw sockets)" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) 

           packet = _construct(start, size, ipv6) # make a ping packet 

           # send the ping 
           except socket.error, e: 
               _error("socket error: %s" % e) 

           # reset values 
           pong = ""; iwtd = [] 

           # wait until there is data in the socket 
           while 1: 
               # input, output, exceptional conditions 
               iwtd, owtd, ewtd =[pingSocket], [], [], timeout) 
               break # no data and timout occurred 

           # data on socket - this means we have an answer 
           if iwtd:  # ok, data on socket 
               endtime = time.time()  # time packet received 
               # read data (we only need the header) 
               pong, address = pingSocket.recvfrom(size+48) 
               lost -= 1 # in case user hit ctrl-c 

               # examine packet 
               # fetch TTL from IP header 
               if ipv6: 
                   # since IPv6 header and any extension header are never passed 
                   # to a raw socket, we can *not* get hoplimit field.. 
                   # I hoped that a socket option would help, but it's not 
                   # supported: 
                   #   pingSocket.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT, 1) 
                   # so we can't fetch hoplimit.. 

                   # fetch hoplimit 
                   #rawPongHop = struct.unpack("c", pong[7])[0] 

                   # fetch pong header 
                   pongHeader = pong[0:8] 
                   pongType, pongCode, pongChksum, pongID, pongSeqnr = \
                             struct.unpack("bbHHh", pongHeader) 

                   # fetch starttime from pong 
                   starttime = struct.unpack("d", pong[8:16])[0] 

               # IPv4 
                   # time to live 
                   rawPongHop = struct.unpack("s", pong[8])[0] 

                   # convert TTL from 8 bit to 16 bit integer 
                   pongHop = int(binascii.hexlify(str(rawPongHop)), 16) 

                   # fetch pong header 
                   pongHeader = pong[20:28] 
                   pongType, pongCode, pongChksum, pongID, pongSeqnr = \
                             struct.unpack("bbHHh", pongHeader) 

                   # fetch starttime from pong 
                   starttime = struct.unpack("d", pong[28:36])[0] 

               # valid ping packet received? 
               if not pongSeqnr == start: 
                   pong = None 

           # NO data on socket - timeout waiting for answer 
           if not pong: 
               if alive: 
                   print "no reply from %s (%s)" % (str(node), str(host)) 
                   print "ping timeout: %s (icmp_seq=%d) " % (host, start) 

               # do not wait if just sending one packet 
               if number != 1 and start < number: 
                   time.sleep(flood ^ 1) 
               start += 1 
               continue  # lost a packet - try again 

           triptime  = endtime - starttime # compute RRT 
           tsum     += triptime            # triptime for all packets (stddev) 
           tsumsq   += triptime * triptime # triptime^2  for all packets (stddev) 

           # compute statistic 
           maxt = max ((triptime, maxt)) 
           mint = min ((triptime, mint)) 

           if alive: 
               print str(node) + " (" + str(host) +") is alive" 
               if ipv6: 
                   # size + 8 = payload + header 
                   print "%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%d time=%.5f ms" % \
                         (size+8, host, pongSeqnr, triptime*1000) 
                   print "%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%d ttl=%s time=%.5f ms" % \
                         (size+8, host, pongSeqnr, pongHop, triptime*1000) 

           # do not wait if just sending one packet 
           if number != 1 and start < number: 
               # if flood = 1; do not sleep - just ping                
               time.sleep(flood ^ 1) # wait before send new packet 

           # the last thing to do is update the counter - else the value 
           # (can) get wrong when computing summary at the end (if user 
           # hit ctrl-c when pinging) 
           start += 1 
           # end ping send/recv while 

   # if user ctrl-d or ctrl-c 
   except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): 
       # if user disrupts ping, it is most likly done before 
       # the counter get updates - if do not update it here, the 
       # summary get all wrong. 
       start += 1 

   # compute and print som stats 
   # stddev computation based on ping.c from FreeBSD 
   if start != 0 or lost > 0:  # do not print stats if 0 packet sent 
       start -= 1              # since while is '<=' 
       avg = tsum / start      # avg round trip 
       vari = tsumsq / start - avg * avg 
       # %-packet lost 
       if start == lost: 
           plost = 100 
           plost = (lost/start)*100 

       if not alive: 
           print "\n--- %s ping statistics ---" % node 
           print "%d packets transmitted, %d packets received, %d%% packet loss" % \
                 (start, start-lost, plost) 
           # don't display summary if 100% packet-loss 
           if plost != 100: 
               print "round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms" % \
                     (mint*1000, (tsum/start)*1000, maxt*1000, math.sqrt(vari)*1000) 


def _error(err): 
   """Exit if running standalone, else raise an exception 

   if __name__ == '__main__': 
       print "%s: %s" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), str(err)) 
       print "Try `%s --help' for more information." % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) 
       raise Exception, str(err) 

def _usage(): 
   """Print usage if run as a standalone program 
   print """usage: %s [OPTIONS] HOST 
Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. 

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. 
 -c, --count=N    Stop after sending (and receiving) 'N' ECHO_RESPONSE 
 -s, --size=S     Specify the number of data bytes to be sent. The default 
                  is 56, which translates into 64 ICMP data bytes when 
                  combined with the 8 bytes of ICMP header data. 
 -f, --flood      Flood ping. Outputs packets as fast as they come back. Use 
                  with caution! 
 -6, --ipv6       Ping using IPv6. 
 -t, --timeout=s  Specify a timeout, in seconds, before a ping packet is 
                  considered 'lost'. 
 -h, --help       Display this help and exit 

Report bugs to lars [at] gnist org""" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 
   """Main loop 

   # version control 
   version = string.split(string.split(sys.version)[0][:3], ".") 
   if map(int, version) < [2, 3]: 
       _error("You need Python ver 2.3 or higher to run!") 

       # opts = arguments recognized, 
       # args = arguments NOT recognized (leftovers) 
       opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:-1], "hat:6c:fs:", 
                                  ["help", "alive", "timeout=", "ipv6", 
                                   "count=", "flood", "packetsize="]) 
   except getopt.GetoptError: 
       # print help information and exit: 
       _error("illegal option(s) -- " + str(sys.argv[1:])) 

   # test whether any host given 
   if len(sys.argv) >= 2: 
       node = sys.argv[-1:][0]   # host to be pinged 
       if node[0] == '-' or node == '-h' or node == '--help' :  
       _error("No arguments given") 

   if args: 
       _error("illegal option -- %s" % str(args)) 

   # default variables 
   alive = 0; timeout = 1.0; ipv6 = 0; count = sys.maxint; 
   flood = 0; size = ICMP_DATA_STR 

   # run through arguments and set variables 
   for o, a in opts: 
       if o == "-h" or o == "--help":    # display help and exit 
       if o == "-t" or o == "--timeout": # timeout before "lost" 
               timeout = float(a) 
               _error("invalid timout: '%s'" % str(a)) 
       if o == "-6" or o == "--ipv6":    # ping ipv6 
           ipv6 = 1 
       if o == "-c" or o == "--count":   # how many pings? 
               count = int(a) 
               _error("invalid count of packets to transmit: '%s'" % str(a)) 
       if o == "-f" or o == "--flood":   # no delay between ping send 
           flood = 1 
       if o == "-s" or o == "--packetsize":  # set the ping payload size 
               size = int(a) 
               _error("invalid packet size: '%s'" % str(a)) 
       # just send one packet and say "it's alive" 
       if o == "-a" or o == "--alive":  
           alive = 1 

   # here we send 
   pingNode(alive=alive, timeout=timeout, ipv6=ipv6, number=count, 
            node=node, flood=flood, size=size) 
   # if we made it this far, do a clean exit 

### end

Python "pseudo-inplace" file contents

import fileinput
for line in file.input('name.txt', inplace=1):
    print line
    if line.startswith('something'):
        pirnt 'xxx'  #insert

Python send simple Email

import smtplib

def sendEmail(to):
    fromaddr = ''
    toaddrs  = to #['xxx', 'xxx']
    msg = 'test'

    username = ''
    password = ''

    server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
    server.login(username, password)
    server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg)

compare "version-style" strings

  • use distutils.version
    >>> from distutils.version import LooseVersion, StrictVersion
    >>> LooseVersion("2.3.1") < LooseVersion("10.1.2")
    >>> StrictVersion("2.3.1") < StrictVersion("10.1.2")
  • use tuple
    def versiontuple(v):
        return tuple(map(int, (v.split("."))))
    >>> versiontuple("2.3.1") > versiontuple("10.1.1")
  • use re
    import re
    def mycmp(version1, version2):
        def normalize(v):
            return [int(x) for x in re.sub(r'(\.0+)*$','', v).split(".")]
        return cmp(normalize(version1), normalize(version2))

windows install pip

  1. Install Setup tools.
  2. Install PIP
  3. Add Python Scripts to the path Start -> Edit environment variables eg. C:\Python27\Scripts

Iterables, Generators and Yield1


>>> mylist = [1, 2, 3]
>>> for i in mylist:
...    print(i)


Generators are iterators, but you can only iterate over them once. It's because they do not store all the values in memory, they generate the values on the fly:

>>> mygenerator = (x*x for x in range(3))
>>> for i in mygenerator:
...    print(i)

BUT, you can not perform for i in mygenerator a second time since generators can only be used once


Yield is a keyword that is used like return, except the function will return a generator.

>>> def createGenerator():
...    mylist = range(3)
...    for i in mylist:
...        yield i*i
>>> mygenerator = createGenerator() # create a generator
>>> print(mygenerator) # mygenerator is an object!
<generator object createGenerator at 0xb7555c34>
>>> for i in mygenerator:
...     print(i)

To master yield, you must understand that when you call the function, the code you have written in the function body does not run. The function only returns the generator object

Now the hard part:

The first time the for calls the generator object created from your function, it will run the code in your function from the beginning until it hits yield, then it'll return the first value of the loop. Then, each other call will run the loop you have written in the function one more time, and return the next value, until there is no value to return.

The generator is considered empty once the function runs but does not hit yield anymore. It can be because the loop had come to an end, or because you do not satisfy a "if/else" anymore.

Controlling a generator exhaustion

>>> class Bank(): # let's create a bank, building ATMs
...    crisis = False
...    def create_atm(self):
...        while not self.crisis:
...            yield "$100"
>>> hsbc = Bank() # when everything's ok the ATM gives you as much as you want
>>> corner_street_atm = hsbc.create_atm()
>>> print(
>>> print(
>>> print([ for cash in range(5)])
['$100', '$100', '$100', '$100', '$100']
>>> hsbc.crisis = True # crisis is coming, no more money!
>>> print(
<type 'exceptions.StopIteration'>
>>> wall_street_atm = hsbc.create_atm() # it's even true for new ATMs
>>> print(
<type 'exceptions.StopIteration'>
>>> hsbc.crisis = False # trouble is, even post-crisis the ATM remains empty
>>> print(
<type 'exceptions.StopIteration'>
>>> brand_new_atm = hsbc.create_atm() # build a new one to get back in business
>>> for cash in brand_new_atm:
...    print cash


>>> import itertools
>>> horses = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> races = itertools.permutations(horses)
>>> print(races)
<itertools.permutations object at 0xb754f1dc>
>>> print(list(itertools.permutations(horses)))
[(1, 2, 3, 4),
 (1, 2, 4, 3),

Understanding the inner mechanisms of iteration

Iteration is a process implying iterables (implementing the __iter__() method) and iterators (implementing the __next__() method). Iterables are any objects you can get an iterator from. Iterators are objects that let you iterate on iterables.

Hidden features of Python2

Obfuscated Python

Interesting obfuscated Python by preshing:

Penrose tiling:

_                                 =\
                           v,S=.5/  V.real,
                         [(0,0,4      *e,4*e*
                       V)];w=1          -v"def!
                      E(T,A,              B,C):P
                  ,Q,R=B*w+                A*v,B*w+C
            *v,A*w+B*v;retur              n[(1,Q,C,A),(1,P
     ,Q,B),(0,Q,P,A)]*T+[(0,C            ,R,B),(1,R,C,A)]*(1-T)"f
or!i!in!_[:11]:S       =sum([E          (*x)for       !x!in!S],[])"imp
  ort!cair               o!as!O;      s=O.Ima               geSurfac
   e(1,e,e)               ;c=O.Con  text(s);               M,L,G=c.
     move_to                ,c.line_to,c.s                et_sour
       ce_rgb                a"def!z(f,a)                :f(-a.
        imag,a.       real-e-e)"for!T,A,B,C!in[i       !for!i!
          in!S!if!i[""";exec(reduce(lambda x,i:x.replace(chr
           (i),"\n "[34-i:]),   range(   35),_+"""0]]:z(M,A
             );z(L,B);z         (L,C);         c.close_pa
             th()"G             (.4,.3             ,1);c.
             paint(             );G(.7             ,.7,1)
             ;c.fil             l()"fo             r!i!in
             !range             (9):"!             g=1-i/
             8;d=i/          4*g;G(d,d,d,          1-g*.8
             )"!def     !y(f,a):z(f,a+(1+2j)*(     1j**(i
             ,A);y(L,B)"!            roke()"s.write_t
             o_png('pen                        rose.png')
             """                                       ))


Mandelbrot set

_                                      =   (
                               V       ,B,c
                             :c   and Y(V*V+B,B,  c
               (              2+c-4*abs(V)**-0.4)/i
                 )  ;v,      x=1500,1000;C=range(v*x
                  );import  struct;P=struct.pack;M,\
            j  ='<QIIHHHH',open('M.bmp','wb').write
for X in j('BM'+P(M,v*x*3+26,26,12,v,x,1,24))or C:
            i  ,Y=_;j(P('BBB',*(lambda T:(T*80+T**9
                  *i-950*T  **99,T*70-880*T**18+701*
                 T  **9     ,T*i**(1-T**45*2)))(sum(
               [              Y(0,(A%3/3.+X%v+(X/v+
                             /x   -2.7,i)**2 for  \
                               A       in C
                                       )   )


isinstance() vs type()3

  • isinstance caters for inheritance (an instance of a derived class is an instance of a base class, too),
  • while checking for equality of type does not (it demands identity of types and rejects instances of subtypes, AKA subclasses).


Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:19

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
