Octopress Sheet

Table of Contents

New post

  rake new_post["title"]
# use bash

you can add published: false to prevent it from being posted when you generate your

You can add a single category or multiple categories like this.

# One category
categories: Sass

# Multiple categories example 1
categories: [CSS3, Sass, Media Queries]

# Multiple categories example 2
- CSS3
- Sass
- Media Queries

New Pages1

rake new_page[About]
emacs source/_includes/custom/navigation.html
add <li><a href="{{ root_url }}/my-wiki">My Wiki</a></li>


<!-- more -->

add a published: false to your post’s YAML header. You can preview these posts with rake preview on your local server, but they won’t get published by rake generate.

Warning and Info style

<p class="info">info</p>
<p class="warning">warning</p>

Generate & Preview

rake generate

## Generating Site with Jekyll
unchanged sass/screen.scss
Configuration from /home/Blog/octopress/_config.yml
Building site: source -> public
Successfully generated site: source -> public

rake watch

Watches source/ and sass/ for changes and regenerates

rake preview


rake deploy

## Deploying branch to Github Pages 
rm -rf _deploy/sitemap.xml
rm -rf _deploy/favicon.png
rm -rf _deploy/atom.xml
rm -rf _deploy/javascripts
rm -rf _deploy/index.html
rm -rf _deploy/assets
rm -rf _deploy/images
rm -rf _deploy/org_posts
rm -rf _deploy/blog
rm -rf _deploy/stylesheets

## copying public to _deploy
cp -r public/. _deploy
cd _deploy

## Commiting: Site updated at 2012-07-28 14:59:42 UTC
[master 19b8fe9] Site updated at 2012-07-28 14:59:42 UTC
 8 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 CNAME

## Pushing generated _deploy website
Counting objects: 39, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done.
Writing objects: 100% (21/21), 2.53 KiB, done.
Total 21 (delta 8), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:shishougang/shishougang.github.com.git
   9407c79..19b8fe9  master -> master

## Github Pages deploy complete
cd -

preview one post for accelerating

rake isolate [some-post] 
#only leave the "some-post" in the "source/_post", the others are in #"source/_stash"
rake integrate #move the files in "source/stash" back to "_post"
rake generate

Image folder


![alt text](/static/2012/xxx.jpg "Title")

clone the octopress site to the local

git clone -b source git@github.com:username/username.github.com.git octopress
#get the "source" branch to the local folder "octopress"
cd octopress
git clone git@github.com:username/username.github.com.git _deploy 
#get the site content from the "master" branch to the local folder _deploy in the octopress

rake install #Install the octopress theme
rake setup_github_pages

update the files from the github

cd local_octopress_directory
git pull origin source
cd ./_deploy
git pull origin master

the local_octopress directory=> remote source branch the _deploy directory=> remote master branch

Sharing Code Snippets2

Backtick Code Blocks


``` [language] [title] [url] [link text]
code snippet

Gist Embedding


{% gist gist_id [filename] %}

If you have a gist with multiple files, you can include files one at a time by adding the name after the gist id.

{% gist 1059334 svg_bullets.rb %}
{% gist 1059334 usage.scss %}

Include Code Snippets

In the _config.yml you can set your code_dir but the default is source/downloads/code. Simply put a file anywhere under that directory and use the following tag to embed it in a post.


{% include_code [title] [lang:language] path/to/file %}

Example 1

This includes a file from source/downloads/code/test.js.

{% include_code test.js %}

Example 2

By default the <figcaption> will be the filename, but you can add a title before the filepath if you like.

This includes a file from source/downloads/code/ruby/test.rb.

{% include_code Add to_fraction for floats ruby/test.rb %}

The name becomes Add to_fraction for floats (test.rb).

Example 3(Force Highlighting)

Add lang:your_language to force highlighting if the filename doesn’t work.

{% include_code test.coffee lang:coffeescript %}

Inline Code Blocks


{% codeblock [title] [lang:language] [url] [link text] %}
code snippet
{% endcodeblock %}

Example 1

{% codeblock %}
Awesome code snippet
{% endcodeblock %}

Example 2

{% codeblock lang:objc %}
[rectangle setX: 10 y: 10 width: 20 height: 20];
{% endcodeblock %}

Example 3

{% codeblock Time to be Awesome - awesome.rb %}
puts "Awesome!" unless lame
{% endcodeblock %}

The tile becomes =Time to be Awesome - awesome.rb =.

Example 4(Force Highlighting)

{% codeblock Here's an example .rvmrc file. lang:ruby %}
rvm ruby-1.8.6 # ZOMG, seriously? We still use this version?
{% endcodeblock %}

Example 5

{% codeblock Javascript Array Syntax lang:js http://j.mp/pPUUmW MDN Documentation %}
var arr1 = new Array(arrayLength);
var arr2 = new Array(element0, element1, ..., elementN);
{% endcodeblock %}


HTML5 Video Tag


{% video url/to/video [width height] [url/to/poster] %}


{% video http://s3.imathis.com/video/zero-to-fancy-buttons.mp4 640 320
http://s3.imathis.com/video/zero-to-fancy-buttons.png %}

Image Tag


{% img [class names] /path/to/image [width] [height] [title text [alt text]] %}


{% img http://placekitten.com/890/280 %}
{% img left http://placekitten.com/320/250 Place Kitten #2 %}
{% img right http://placekitten.com/300/500 150 250 Place Kitten #3 %}
{% img right http://placekitten.com/300/500 150 250 'Place Kitten #4' 'An image of a very cute kitten' %}

Block quote


{% blockquote [author[, source]] [link] [source_link_title] %}
Quote string
{% endblockquote %}


  • plain
{% blockquote %}
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.
{% endblockquote %}
  • Quote from a printed work.
{% blockquote Douglas Adams, The Hichhikers Guide to the Galaxy %}
Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
{% endblockquote %}
  • Quote from Twitter
{% blockquote @allanbranch https://twitter.com/allanbranch/status/90766146063712256 %}
Over the past 24 hours I've been reflecting on my life & I've realized only one thing. I need a medieval battle axe.
{% endblockquote %}
  • Quote from an article on the web
{% blockquote Seth Godin http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2009/07/welcome-to-island-marketing.html Welcome to Island Marketing %}
Every interaction is both precious and an opportunity to delight.
{% endblockquote %}

Pull quote


{% pullquote %}
Surround your paragraph with the pull quote tags. Then when you come to
the text you want to pull, {" surround it like this "} and that's all there is to it.
{% endpullquote %}

Render Partial


{% render_partial path/to/file %}

The render_partial tag resolves paths to the source directory, so write your paths accordingly.

  • Example Usage 1

Perhaps you want to create a readme page for your blog. You have a file at source/readme/index.markdown and the README.markdown for your project is a sibling to your source directory. To import your project’s readme into your readme page, you’d do this:

{% render_partial ../README.markdown %}
  • Example Usage 2

You may have two pages which need to share some of the same content. To prevent your partial from being rendered by Jekyll as a page, add an underscore to the beginning of the file name, or put it in a directory that begins with an underscore. For example, if you wanted multiple pages to share a table of contents, you might create source/documentation/partials/TOC.markdown. Any post or page could import this file like this:

{% render_partial documentation/TOC.markdown %}

pygments Supported languages4

Programming languages

    Assembly (various)
    C, C++
    Common Lisp
    Gherkin (Cucumber)
    GL shaders
    Haskell (incl. Literate Haskell)
    Python 2.x and 3.x (incl. console sessions and tracebacks)
    Ruby (incl. irb sessions)
    S, S-Plus, R
    Visual Basic.NET

Template languages

    Cheetah templates
    Django/Jinja templates
    ERB (Ruby templating)
    Genshi (the Trac template language)
    JSP (Java Server Pages)
    Myghty (the HTML::Mason based framework)
    Mako (the Myghty successor)
    Smarty templates (PHP templating)

Other markup

    Apache config files
    Bash shell scripts
    Debian control files
    Diff files
    Gettext catalogs
    Gnuplot script
    Groff markup
    HTTP sessions
    INI-style config files
    IRC logs (irssi style)
    Lighttpd config files
    MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup
    Nginx config files
    POV-Ray scenes
    SQL, also MySQL, SQLite
    Squid configuration
    Vim Script
    Windows batch files

References and Footnotes

kramdown support footnotes

Blah blah blah.[^fn] Lorem ipsum...

[^fn]: Here's a footnote!

Table Style

左对齐表头 | 中间对齐表头 | 右对齐表头|
左对齐数据 |中间对齐数据  |右对齐数据|

kramdown support more5

After installing system

Install RVM

curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby

Install Ruby 1.9.3

rvm install 1.9.3
rvm use 1.9.3
rvm rubygems latest
rvm use --default 1.9.3 

ruby --version

Install dependencies

gem install bundler
bundle instal


Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:19

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
